A good reputation was what every Puritan wanted. This way you can be overlooked as being less likely to be a witch. No one was allowed to work on Sunday and everyone was expected to attend church daily. Anything a citizen does is known by the town. John Proctor and Reverend Parris are examples of characters …show more content…
that knew the importance of reputation. Josh Proctor knew that if he signed a document admitting that he had an affair with Abigail Williams that this document would be posted on the church door for all to see. Yet, he decides to take the death penalty so that his name wouldn't be forever tarnished. When Reverend Parris comes to know what his niece, Abigail Williams, has done in the forest, he knows that the town will no longer respect him and he would lose his position as a Reverend.
Fear is what caused the Salem Witch Hunts to take place. If you are accused of being a witch, you could blame someone else of being a witch so that the attention is off of you. The punishment of being a witch is to be hanged. If you cannot prove you aren't a witch then you are to admit to being a witch so that you will not be hanged. The fear of dying causes the victims to admit being something they aren't. Abigail uses the fear of the devil against Judge Danforth's. Abigail is putting fear into Danforth's so that he will not go against her word as if she were a messenger from God. Abigail and the girls also use what they have done as an advantage to escape the punishment of being hanged. Only Reverend Hale notices that fear rules over the testimonies and accusations made unto the people by saying “ there is a prodigious fear in the court.”. John Proctor is an example of many who have lied to escape death.
Reprisal is the critical theme in The crucible.
Many people are out to get one another for fear and for their own selfish needs. The secret between Abigail Williams and John Proctor is what causes the most uproar in the story. Abigail worked for Elizabeth Proctor in her home as a helper. Mrs. Proctor started to sense bad omens about Abigail being in her home so she was fired. Abigail then claims that Mrs. Proctor is a witch and created a voodoo doll to cause damage to her soul. Abigail starts these claims so that John Proctor will leave his wife when she has died and will be with her. Nurse Rebecca delivered all eight of Ann Putnam’s children and only one child survived. Mrs. Putnam then claims that Rebecca did this purpose and is therefore a witch. Thomas Putnam is a wealthy man and is the first character to start accusing citizens of witchcraft. Thomas Putnam was a wealthy man who owned a lot of land. He used his daughter Ruth to accuse people and take their land away from them after they died. it was a law that if you died that your property was available for auction. Thomas Putnam was the only man around that was able to afford land. He did this to people that were competing with them in an attempt to deplete his competition. (Thomas Putnam
The Crucible tells of a factual story that shows the activities that occurred during the Salem Witch Hunts. The main themes in the play were reputation, fear, and reprisal. The Puritans of the Salem Witch Hunts may have had the Devil in their lives more than God. Miller created this play to remind his audience of the persecution of Communists in the United States. This play teaches of the fear and vengefulness of the Puritans that caused the “Witch Hunts”.