can also relate to. On the other hand, Elizabeth is more relatable because she is a inculpable person. We can see this when she says she “ does not judge you. The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you. I never thought you but a good man”(Miller 65). As we can see here Elizabeth is forgiving and nonjudgmental, which makes her a good role model and someone more people can relate to. However, if Elizabeth had not existed John would not have felt bad because he would have found some other woman to be with and thus this story of John would not have existed.
Secondly, it is important to have both Elizabeth and Abigail in the story because Abigail was the one who tried to seduce John Proctor to get him to fall in love with her.
We can see that Abigail is also evil when she tries to seduce John by saying, “Gah! I'd almost forgot how strong you are, John Proctor!”(Miller 17). Here we can see that Abigail is trying to get John to like her by complimenting him on how strong he is. Had this character, not existed John Proctor would have never been seduced the witch trials would have most likely not taken place and John Proctor would not have been convicted and hanged. It is also important that Elizabeth is included in the play because she is suspicious of her husband yet moral. She questions john's intentions by asking, “ You were alone with her?” (Miller 51).This makes John want to confess. Elizabeth despite this remains loyal and loving towards her husband. This reveals to us the character's true colors when it comes to affection and shows the audience that Elizabeth is quite an exceptional
character. Lastly, Abigail showcases evil because most everything she says is a lie.:“She is blackening my name in the village! She is telling lies about me! She is a cold, sniveling woman, and you bend to her! Let her turn you like a—”(Miller 151). Here we can see that Abigail is making up lies about Elizabeth and she is also pretending to be mad at her to make her look like a bad person so this shows us the character’s true colors when they are around certain people. Abigail also showcases evil when she says that Elizabeth is a wicked woman. Elizabeth, on the other hand, shows us that she is the protagonist when she only had to lie to try to keep her husband from punishment when she said, “Your Honor, I—in that time I was sick. And I—My husband is a good and righteous man. He is never drunk as some are, nor wastin’ his time at the shovelboard, but always at his work”(Miller 90). This shows us that sometimes even an uncorrupted person must give up something such as salvation to save her husband's reputation which is a brave thing to do. In conclusion, two of the most major dramatis personaes in the play are both necessary because they give the audience someone to relate to. Whether that be Elizabeth's forgiveness and loyalty which more people would relate to than Abigail's lies and deceit. The characters, both express endearment in different ways. Abigail shows it through a dalliance and Elizabeth shows it through compassion and forgiveness. Lastly, they characters showcase good versus evil and had they not played their role, then the witch trials and the evil that happened in the story wouldn't have existed.