Act 2 Project
November 4th, 1962
Dear, my lovely Elizabeth
I write this letter because “I think you’re sad again. Are you?” Page 51 (Act 2). Elizabeth, you’re my beautiful wife and “I mean to please you.” Page 50 (Act 2) I loved the food you made yesterday honey, it was simply delicious. I couldn’t ask for a better wife and more from you; however I could feel you starting to hate me. I feel you don’t want my kisses no more and it makes me feel like dirt. Are you disappointed with me? I noticed you sadder, I promise you I will consider going to Salem. But anyway, you must forget about Abigail and me. All this nonsense is history and I assure you that I did not lie to you. You doubt me very minute of the day Elizabeth and I don’t appreciate it. Believe me when I say I am just as stressed as you are about all this craziness, I swear that Abigail‘s dancing had nothing to do with witchcraft. Do not judge me, just because me and Abigail were alone in a room together, it does not mean we’ve done anything evil. You know sometimes I feel as if my house is a courtroom. I must apologize though for threatening to whip Mary, I just can’t believe that you were in the accusations. I need to be calm but can’t because I know you know about Abigail... I will go to go to Salem and testify against Abigail. I apologize for being defensive; I did not want to involve myself with Abigail any longer. I know you must be embarrassed of me finding it difficult to recall the Ten Commandments of my head when Hale came. Elizabeth you must know that I am trying to save our marriage, don’t pay mind to Abigail for she is a jealous little girl, Abigail has gone too far with her jealousy and I will save you my Elizabeth.