to be witches. This proves the claim ,"Lies and deceit can cause the worst trouble in a community" because not only did Sarah fail on reciting the 10 commandments, now because of this, people will think negatively of her and they will now assume she is a witch due to false assumptions made by Mary Warren and Judge Hawthorne. Although many people may believe that lying will not lead to problems that cannot be correctly solved, there are things that are just out of control and can destroy people or a community.
to be witches. This proves the claim ,"Lies and deceit can cause the worst trouble in a community" because not only did Sarah fail on reciting the 10 commandments, now because of this, people will think negatively of her and they will now assume she is a witch due to false assumptions made by Mary Warren and Judge Hawthorne. Although many people may believe that lying will not lead to problems that cannot be correctly solved, there are things that are just out of control and can destroy people or a community.