
The Crucible Passage Analysis

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Answer two questions
1 Read the passage below in which the writer offers her own strong thoughts and feelings about the
American novelist Henry Miller and his writing.
(a) Comment on the writer’s style and use of language. [15]
(b) In the style of the original passage, describe a well-known person or celebrity and their work.
I first saw Henry Miller when I was fourteen. It was in Kensington Gardens, and he was playing baseball for a United States Army team. Whenever the ball was scooped up really high, Henry Miller would run to where he thought it was going to descend, stretch up his hands (he wore enormous gauntlets like a knight in armour) and scream ‘I got it, I got it, I got it’. The other players cleared a holy
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All this has happened when there was so much more for him to do.
We could never think that he was unnecessary or that he had done his task. But now, particularly, when we are faced with so many difficulties, his not being with us is a blow most terrible to bear.
A madman has put an end to his life, for I can only call him mad who did it, and yet there has been enough of poison spread in this country during the past years and months, and this poison has had effect on people’s minds. We must face this poison, we must root out this poison, and we must face all the perils that encompass us and face them not madly or badly but rather in the way that our beloved teacher taught us to face them. The first thing to remember now is that no one of us dare misbehave because we are angry. We have to behave like strong and determined people, determined to face all the perils that surround us, determined to carry out the mandate that our great teacher and our great leader has given us, remembering always that if, as I believe, his spirit looks upon us and sees us, nothing would displease his soul so much as to see that we have indulged in any small behaviour or any
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(a) In the style of the original passage, write a description of a visit of a famous person (for example, a politician, a film star or pop star) to a major town or city in your country. [10]
(b) Compare your style and use of language to those of the original passage. [15]
I saw them in the morning, rushing up one of the main streets in an open car, with outriders on motor cycles, and a ripple of applause coming from the people, fading before it had begun; the car was gone so quickly. The royal car was followed by a succession of big American cars with nameless people in them, all moving at a breathtaking pace. The policemen relaxed, an officer took his hand away from his cap, and the people turned to one another with reluctant, drawn faces, like sleepers awakened from a dream. People began picking up their folding chairs, children ran across the street where the cars had passed, the crowds on both sides of the street broke up, wavered, walked towards the station or the tram termini, carrying the little flags they had hardly had time to wave. I do not know what the people had been expecting, for I had not been among

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