Miller wrote the Crucible as a response to McCarthyism in the United States. The setting takes place in Salem, where the villagers are purists, in the days of Witch Trials. However, its real meaning was to expose McCarthyism for what it was - insanity based on a lie. This is through Abigail being, eventually exposed as a fraud like McCarthy himself. However, due to the courts in Salem already having hung so many accused witches, Danforthe was unwilling to accept the truth. Although the court had little evidence to convict anyone they would still hang an accused if they would not confess to witchcraft.
Repetition has a major participation in showing that Abigail wants rid and revenge on Goody Proctor, as Elizabeth in Abigail’s eyes has been blacking her name in the village. In act one you learn this and Betty reminds Abigail of what she has done. “You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor.” This repetitions as well as Miller’s use of tone and punctuation here emphasis Betty’s shock and confusion as to why Abigail would do this. The punctuation in particular shows that Betty is trying to get this memory across to Abby, giving the impression that Betty will not let Abigail forget about her actions. Elizabeth also realises herself that