Mr. Bertelsen
English III
3 October 2017
The Crucible The themes of hysteria, paranoia, falsehood, and honesty functions in the play in many characters, but in this essay I will be specifically talking about how it is displayed in Mary Warren. In the beginning of the play, Mary was freaking out about how she was a godly woman and that there was nothing wrong with her. She kept talking about how she loves God and she wants to come back to God and worship God. For the most part, she is a very honest woman and tells the truth a lot of the time. Throughout the movie and they play, Mary Warren begins to lie a lot about being possessed and that it was all John that told her to act the way that she was acting (Miller 110). All
of the girls went along with this lie that she was making. They repeated everything that she was saying and were acting terrified of her (Miller 119). When Mary announced that it was John Proctor making her do all of this, and that she was actually telling the truth this time, John was sentenced to be hanged (Miller 121). When everyone finally realized that Mary was telling the truth, they began to listen to her finally and the girls stopped acting like she was possessed. Mary hugged Abigail and everyone finally believed that she wasn’t possessed and that she was a woman of god (Miller 122). This act stopped the feeling of paranoia across the area and calmed the situation down. No one was hysteric about the situation that Mary was in, but now it was directed towards John Proctor and the fact that he is being hanged