People were being falsely accused of conspiring against God. In Salem the people were very avid about their religion, therefor being accused of witchcraft was as to be conspiring against God. The Nurses were being falsely accused by the Putnams of witchcraft. Goody Putnam we jealous of Goody Nurse. The Putnams had “laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth” and had less land, whereas the Nurses had 11 children and 26…
Samuel Parris was ordained the minister of Salem Village church. Hill then goes into detail of how Betty, Abigail, and their neighbor friends Ann Putnam, Mary Walcott, Mercy Lewis, Elizabeth Hubbard, and more over time all started having strange fits and become “afflicted.” They accused Tituba, Sarah Good (a beggar who would curse at people if they refused her), and Sarah Osborne (had legal issues with the Putnams and was ill) of being witches and said they were the ones who bewitched them. They were the first three to be accused of witchcraft and were sent to prison. Over time they blame a lot more people including church members and higher up people in the social class. Tons of people go to prison and are basically tortured in dungeons. Then on June 10 Bridget Bishop is the first person the be to hanged on Gallows Hill and following are 19 more people who were sentenced to death by hanging except Giles Cory who was pressed to death instead. Some others who were accused of witchcraft died in prison. What finally ends the Salem witch trials is when the afflicted accuse governor William Phipps’ wife of being a witch. He stops imprisonment and in may of 1693 orders the release of all of the people accused of witchcraft that were still in…
The Power of the Accuser. Where the witch trials really fair? In "The Crucible" by Arthur Milller the witch trials empowered individuals who were previously powerless by accusing people to feel powerful giving people who didn’t normally have a voice the option to & finally made it easy to get rid of anyone you didn’t like. This is shown threw many people who didn’t normally have a voice and used the witch trial's to feel like they had one, thisis shown when Tituba says "oh, how many times he bid me kill you, Mr Proctor".(491) As a slave she didn’t have any power to speak up normally.…
How did Ann Putnam Jr. get involved in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692? It was the…
“Ann, tell Mr. Parris what you have done” (Miller 14). He is gullible to whatever he hears and also he wants Ann to tell the truth that way the witchcraft spell can end. If someone was accused of witchcraft he wouldn't let it go because he wanted revenge on everybody. He always has to have an input on anything that is said “She cannot bear to hear the Lord’s name, Mr. Hale; that's a sure sign of witchcraft afloat” (Miller 35). Putnam would always tell others that the girls were involved in witchcraft and nobody should doubt it. Gullibility is an important flaw to blame Putnam for the salem witch trials because he will believe anything that he hears that involve witchcraft or do anything in his power to get them hanged or put into…
Betty and Abigail claim that Tituba, Sarah Osborne, and Sarah Good are the cause of their situation. Both said Tituba, the slave, once told story about witchcraft. As the play in the book develop, Tituba was forced to confess due to the threat of whip to death by Reverend Parris, her owner. Osborne is a lower class person who had not attend church for 3 years because of illness and dealing with legal issue with the Putnam. In fact, the accusation of Osborne were strongly supported by the Putnam. Ann Putnam believe that she is the reason that cause the death of her children. Sarah Good was lower class person who’s accused to be a witch since she can not recite the ten…
Putnam often seems to not be able to blame the children's deaths on witchcraft and is not able to accept that they may just be a medical or coincidental occurrence. “ If so he is, then let us go to God for the cause of it. There is prodigious danger in the seeking of loose spirits. I fear it, I fear it. Let us rather blame ourselves”(22). Rebecca tries to explain to Ann Putnam that not everything has to be blamed upon the devil and his servants, she is trying to keep Ann and the girls from blaming the people in the village from occurrences that aren’t specifically caused by the Devil. Goody Nurse is trying to stop the injustice that the girls are causing within the…
Farmers had a hard time adjusting to the climate. The theory of revenge was then introduced. Land ownership was a big deal in Salem at this time. The people would always argue about who owned the most land. Historians claim that the accusations made by the two sick girls, Ruth Putnam and Betty Parris, were encouraged by their fathers. It is said that they took advantage of the hysteria in Salem and asked their daughters to accuse specific people as a way of revenge (Brooks, Thomas Putnam and Reverend Parris benefitted from this because they were then able to take their land and claim it as their own. Also, the fact that these two individuals held so much power in the society gives more proof as to why this theory could be…
It can be argued that in the play The Crucible, Reverend John Hale’s character’s arrogance and ignorance caused him to begin the Witch Trials of Salem, Massachusetts, and in the end could not do enough to stop them. He undergoes a significant change as the play progresses.…
Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams are two main characters in Arthur Miller’s novel The Crucible. Abigail Williams was once the servant for Proctor however Elizabeth Proctor fires her after she learns about Abigail and her husband’s affair. Both women are same in some ways but they have different motives.…
Abigail Williams and Putnam started the first accusations which led to widespread fear of witchcraft in the village. This same fear was exploited by Williams and Putnam in order to achieve their selfish motives. Without these characters, the Salem Witch Trials might have never occurred which brings us to realize how much damage vengeance and wealth can cause. All in all, Abigail Williams and Thomas Putnam’s grudges and selfish intentions were what caused Salem Witch Trials and the destruction of several innocent…
Thomas Putnam, who is a wealthy, influential citizen of Salem. When they just heard about the witchcraft, they believed Abigail¡¯s explanation intentionally, ¡°When Reverend Hale comes, you will proceed to look for signs of witchcraft here.¡± This quote shows Putnam does not only believe in the witchcraft and he also tries to advocate the so-called truth. Why an experienced, mature couple believes in an absurd presentation by a lowly girl so easily? It is undoubted that there is a benefit relationship. Then, the play mentions that the reason is to help them to increase their own…
As soon as it becomes evident that the witch trials could be used as a tool to accomplish personal goals and gain status within the rigid social structure of the time period, other characters begin taking advantage of the situation. Particularly, greed drives Putnam to use the Salem Witch Trials to accuse Jacobs in order to expand his own wealth and social standing. Giles Corey reveals Putnam’s true intentions by claiming “if Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit up his property…and there is none but Putnam with the coin to buy so great a piece. This man is killing his neighbors for his land!” (96). Putnam planned to have Jacobs accused so that he could seize Jacobs’ land for himself. Moreover, Corey goes on to reveal that “I have it from an honest man who heard Putnam say it! The day his daughter cried out on Jacobs, [Putnam] said she'd given him a fair gift of land” (96). Therefore, not only did greed motivate Putnam to manipulate and lie to use the trials in his favor, but it also motivated him to ultimately sacrifice the lives of others for his own personal…
people started to argue about why betty was sick in the book the crucible, parris says,” there be no unnatural cause here” this arouses some people in the group and then parris and putnam start to argue about how she lost 7 babies because of witchcraft she thinks. in the book the crucible, ms putnam says, “ they were murdered, mr.parris and mark this proof! mark it!. They then begin to argue about if reverend hale should still come to salem and how people were not attended church when they are supposed to,in the crucible book rebecca says, “ this will set us all to arguin” again in the society.This is just a hint of how unorganized they were here are some proof of how this will play into the mob. They are arguing about why betty was sick, parris says, “ there be no unnatural cause here”. reverend parris and the putnams were arguing about how the putnams lost 7 babies because of witch. In the crucible book, Mr putnam's says “ they were murdered , mr.parris! and mark this proof! mark it!. They are arguing about if he should come or not reverend hale is coming and why aren't people going to church like they should be. rebecca says,” this will set us all to arguin” again in the society.…
Some of the people accused of witchcraft were enemies of the middle class family, the Putnams. There was bias toward the convicted because “many of the accused proved to be enemies of the Putnams...would end up being the accusers in many of the cases”…