The Crusades
Liberty University
The Crusades The Crusades are a big part of history, not just for the church, but for the world. This point in time showed the weakened state of the Romans and the power of the church over its people. There are good and bad things that came out of the Crusades; the heart of the people and the corruption of man. But where does the story start?
The call to fight started in November 27, 1095 during the Council of Clermont under Pope Urban II. Urban address the Council and sent his priests out to give sermons to motivate the people. This was in response to the Eastern Emperor Alexios’ request for help. Urban’s call was heard throughout the land that any man who went and fought to liberate the Holy Land would be forgiven of all their past sins, and those who could not fight gave money to the campaign would receive the same kind of forgiveness.[1]
The words “whoever wishes to save his soul should not hesitate humbly to take up the way of the Lord, and if he lack sufficient money, divine mercy will give him enough” and “brethren, we ought to endure much suffering for the name of Christ-misery, poverty, nakedness, persecution, want, illness, hunger, thirst, and ills of this kind, just as the Lord saith to his disciples ‘You must suffer My name’” were given by the priests to encourage people to support the effort.[2] The call to march and help out the eastern Christians was heard loud and clear. The people were ready to free them the Persians because their hearts where not directed to God[3]. The West marched on Constantinople and then towards Jerusalem, and liberated both them from the Muslims. This Campaign was considered a huge success and a victory for the Christians.
The Second Crusade Unlike the first Crusade, the second was not considered as successful. This campaign started in 1145 under Pope Eugene III. There is controversy over why the second crusade was started, and it is unknown if it was to attack
Bibliography: Child, John, Martyn John Whittock, and Nigel Kelly, The Crusades. Oxford, England: Heinemann Educational, 1992. Gervers, Michael. The Second Crusade and the Cistercians. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1992. Peters, Edward. The First Crusade: the Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998. [4] Michael Gervers, The Second Crusade and the Cistercians, (New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1992), 80. [8] John Child, Martyn John Whittock, & Nigel Kelly, The Crusades, (Oxford, England: Heinemann Educational, 1992), 22.