The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a murder mystery novel written by Mark Haddon. The main character and also the narrator is young Christopher Boone who is fifteen. The book is told from Christopher’s viewpoint with Christopher as the author of the book, which he writes with the help of his teacher Siobhan. The title of this book is actually a quote from Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story “Silver Blaze”. The reason this book is named relating to Sherlock Holmes is because Christopher Boone loves the fictional detective very much.
What is unique about this book is that the young narrator has Asperger syndrome and the style of his writing is very peculiar. “This will not be a funny book”, says Christopher. “I cannot tell jokes because I do not understand them”. But it is a funny book, as well as a sad one.
The chapters in this book are numbered using prime numbers rather than cardinal numbers. This is because Christopher loves them: “I think prime numbers are like life. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, …show more content…
Christopher John Francis Boone discovers a slain body of his neighbor’s poodle, Wellington and sets out to uncover the mystery of the murder, just like Sherlock Holmes would do. Christopher chronicles his investigation in a book as part of a school assignment. As the narrator gets involved in the murder case, he starts collecting facts relating to the death of the dog and unwillingly reveals some of the darkest lies and evasions of his parents’ lives. The book deals with a great amount of grief and sorrow as well as joyful moments. In the end, when everything returns back to normal, we find that the people surrounding Christopher soon learn to cope with the way he is, and those concerned with his welfare have to learn to control their emotions round his autistic inability to