Ever since the project was invested the Indigenous people have begun their protest to protect their tribal land, by also gaining help from other tribes and or ethnicities. The pipeline was supposed to go through a town called, “Bismarck”, but the company that runs this operation rerouted the pipeline, which now runs through the Sioux reservation. As you can see, the population of Bismarck was able to have a say in this project, because the majority are white, they had that impact on the Sioux nation prioritize not have a chance to have their say, but were forced to accept the fact that is where the location of the pipeline will be. Adding on to this, there has been various protestors also known as the “Water Protectors’, with the help of other ethnicities and environmentalists, trying to help stop the construction from occurring still. These protestors have been trying to defend their land from being destroyed by the government, because of them protesting negative outcomes approached, “Law enforcement officers tried to blast the protestors away with water cannons in 25-degree weather and employed other ‘less than lethal,’ though still harmful, dispersal methods. One protestor may lose her arm as a result of injuries suffered from the violence” (Thompson). The ignorance actions the government made, made these negative outcomes towards the Indigenous people who in which they’re already taking more from them then they already had in the beginning to begin
Ever since the project was invested the Indigenous people have begun their protest to protect their tribal land, by also gaining help from other tribes and or ethnicities. The pipeline was supposed to go through a town called, “Bismarck”, but the company that runs this operation rerouted the pipeline, which now runs through the Sioux reservation. As you can see, the population of Bismarck was able to have a say in this project, because the majority are white, they had that impact on the Sioux nation prioritize not have a chance to have their say, but were forced to accept the fact that is where the location of the pipeline will be. Adding on to this, there has been various protestors also known as the “Water Protectors’, with the help of other ethnicities and environmentalists, trying to help stop the construction from occurring still. These protestors have been trying to defend their land from being destroyed by the government, because of them protesting negative outcomes approached, “Law enforcement officers tried to blast the protestors away with water cannons in 25-degree weather and employed other ‘less than lethal,’ though still harmful, dispersal methods. One protestor may lose her arm as a result of injuries suffered from the violence” (Thompson). The ignorance actions the government made, made these negative outcomes towards the Indigenous people who in which they’re already taking more from them then they already had in the beginning to begin