Today, authority affects obedience in everyday life such as a person’s job. At work, we have different levels of authority. With these different levels, we have different responsibilities, and different levels of respect. For instance, a person who has no authority has a level of respect for their immediate supervisor, though that level may be low; their level of respect for the owner of the company will be higher, because that person is higher up in management.…
When the death of Francis Ferdinand marked the beginning of WW1 as a "war to end all wars” It also began, the first War that where the newest and most lethal machines were experimented upon the newly armed troops. Only through these lethal and logical experiments did strategists understand the fatal that weapons were capable of. When the weapons were unleashed, tens of thousands could be killed each hour or even second. From there countries adapted, copied, and completely shattered the old ideals of warfare. The war of the past has become the war of the future through intoxicating and gunning down millions. The weapons and strategies became useless, with these new inventions, such as chemical gas and the automatic weapon. As technology spread one man could bring down an army with these lethal weapons. This new technology forced generals to refute the strategies of old, and embrace a new, modern, tactic.…
Emotional/psychological abuse: is when A form of mistreatment in which there is intent to cause mental or emotional pain or injury…
Emotional/ Psychological abuse: Emotional/psychological abuse may involve threats or actions to cause mental or physical harm; humiliation; violation.…
Many theories and questions are raised from the problem of obedience to authority. What can make another person be obedient to another? Why do some people obey others when they know what they’re doing is wrong? This is a problem for the human population and it demands reasoning, explanation, and examination. We must reflect on what many experts have examined in the field, and draw some conclusions. There are many experts that have studied obedience to authority, and why people still obey even though it may be wrong. In the military following orders is the key to your survival. Even if your superior officers tell you to kill someone or shoot someone it may…
Victims of police brutality may suffer from psychological effects and disorders. Post-traumatic stress disorder is an sickness that can lead to depression, panic attacks, substance abuse or suicidal thoughts. While suffering from police brutality does not guarantee that someone will suffer from PTSD, people who are victims of police brutality are more prone to. Psychological stress often consumes many of victims’ lives, negatively affecting job performance, ability to hold down a job, and everyday interactions with family and friends. Furthermore, the families of fatally injured victims often suffer many of the same psychological tolls. Police brutality must be recognized, investigated, and acted upon as a serious health issue because of its obvious detrimental effects on individuals, their families and…
Emotional Abuse is where one person gains power and control over another through words and gestures which gradually undermine the other person. Emotional abuse can be name-calling, blaming, screaming, making threats, yelling, neglecting, manipulation, not listening, withholding affection and information belittling and untrue accusations. Signs of emotional abuse are depression, anxiety, withdrawing or refusing affection, fearful or agitation, lower self-esteem and Self-confidence, shouting or swearing, behaviours such as rocking, hair twisting and self-mutilation.…
Emotional/Psychological abuse is behaviour that is harmful to emotional health and mental wellbeing. Examples includes threats of harm, humiliation and intimidation.…
Psychological / Emotional Abuse – includes threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact or communication, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks.…
Emotional/psychological abuse means when someone causes you mental distress, this may include name calling, making fun of you or blackmailing you to do something you feel uncomfortable to do.…
Psychological / Emotional abuse : Examples include: verbal assault or intimidation, emotional abuse, deprivation of contact verbal abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, humiliation or blaming, overriding of consent, choices or wishes, felling worthless, frightened or unloved. Generally these victims become withdrawn initially and may progress to anger and react violently. Psychological/emotional abuse will usually occur in conjunction with other forms of abuse.…
It can range from vulgar words and slurs used, ranging to excessive force used to detain or stop an a suspected criminal. The use of force is an area in which police officers must exercise good judgment. (Chapman, 2012) Often police have exercised great judgement, but more recently with the invention of image and video capturing devices, more cases of police brutality have been captured and recorded. One of the most agreed upon arguments of researchers is the point at which the use of force crosses the line from reasonable to excessive is necessarily hard to define and fraught with controversy. (Chapman, 2012) Often the complaints of excessive use of force, and police brutality are classified differently across different counties, states, and countries. Many researchers like Christopher Chapman choose to include every report of force used by the police in data used for research. The problem that arises is one of a lack of definition. In order for us to start effectively studying, and accessing police brutality, excessive force must have a universal police definition. It must be able to interpreted, and looked upon when officers actions are in question. By also setting a definition, officers will have a set limit to refer to when making behavioral…
Police brutality is the unlawful use of power, act or authority by the policepersons on the civilians (Russell-Brown 2009). Police brutality is an unfortunate corollary of the dangerous job of protecting society from its worst citizens, an anomaly attributable to the characteristic of individual police officers and the police department (Holmes and Smith, 2008). The actions can be employed with either the use of firearms, other lethal and non-lethal weapons or the improper use of holds or restraining techniques (Belur, 2010). In the United States, the brutality by police officers has been passed on from the time memorial. Police have used forceful methods in trying…
Police officers who participated in using excessive force, many times did not face any consequences, and when they did, their charges were very minimal. In his article titled, “Must We Live With Police Brutality,” David Jones uses insight from the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, Sheldon Leffler. Leffler states, that “’the department has perpetuated a police culture in which officers may be emboldened to conduct themselves in a manner that runs contrary to ... the law.’” (Jones 9). Police officers are supposed to be trusted authority figures that help protect people and enforce laws, instead of hurting people and acting as if they are above the law. Police officers, however, were not the ones who were protecting themselves from the consequences. It was those who oversaw the police departments and the local government who over protected these police officers. In the case mentioned above of the Haitian immigrant who fell victim of police brutality, the mayor of New York City, at the time, as well as the police commissioner turned a blind eye to how often police were using excessive force and unneeded brutality. Jones continues to explain how higher ups in the government and police force seemed to encourage officers to release anger and hate onto people who break the law (Jones 9). This attitude gives the idea that using force and viciousness is necessary to keep crime rates down, which is not…
In contemporary America, police brutality is the preferred form of social control (Contemporary Police Brutality and Misconduct 2). The police are so feared or disrespected by people in certain communities that it gives officers great latitude in handling people when they respond to incidents. A 2015 report for the Justice Department analyzed 394 incidents involving deadly police force in Philadelphia. It was found that officers "need more less-lethal options” (Wihbey &Kille 3). A pervasive problem in dealing with police brutality is the obvious lack of training. Officers are not given the resources to handle situations that they will most likely deal with. Because they do not have the proper training there is no way to hold them accountable for their actions, leaving large grey areas for police brutality to fester. While it is clear that officers should be held accountable for senseless shootings it is also important to acknowledge how dangerous their work is. America has a higher homicide rate compared to other developed nations, and many more guns per capita. Citizens seldom learn of the countless incidents where officers choose to hold fire and display restraint under extreme stress. Instead, due to the intense media storms, citizens only ever hear about incidents that…