The government since the Ferguson incident has (S1)“ announced a $263 million program that will provide up to 50,000 body cameras for police. The video footage from these cameras could clarify disputed incidents like the deadly encounter”,(Landler 12), in Ferguson. The cameras given to police stations nationwide will help bring racial profiling to an end. Unfortunately, racial profiling is more widespread than just Ferguson, Missouri so many cities will not even receive cameras. The cameras that are sent out could possibly help prevent some of the other big racial profiling cases like the 2012 (S2)“shooting of Trayvon Martin” in Florida “or even the arrest of Henry louis Gates jr. in 2009… after the police thought he was breaking and entering into his own home”(Lander 6). Racial profiling is not only devastating on the families of the cases that make the national news headlines, but to all of the people who live it day by day and are lucky enough to see the next. Some of the racial profiling from law enforcement starts before families even enter the United States, it happens on our
The government since the Ferguson incident has (S1)“ announced a $263 million program that will provide up to 50,000 body cameras for police. The video footage from these cameras could clarify disputed incidents like the deadly encounter”,(Landler 12), in Ferguson. The cameras given to police stations nationwide will help bring racial profiling to an end. Unfortunately, racial profiling is more widespread than just Ferguson, Missouri so many cities will not even receive cameras. The cameras that are sent out could possibly help prevent some of the other big racial profiling cases like the 2012 (S2)“shooting of Trayvon Martin” in Florida “or even the arrest of Henry louis Gates jr. in 2009… after the police thought he was breaking and entering into his own home”(Lander 6). Racial profiling is not only devastating on the families of the cases that make the national news headlines, but to all of the people who live it day by day and are lucky enough to see the next. Some of the racial profiling from law enforcement starts before families even enter the United States, it happens on our