The story tells of Frankenstein who brought a human-made form into life who ultimately turns on his creator. This was a lesson on some of the dangers that are associated with technology; that keep increasing in depth and intensity as the level of development of technology increases. One of the movies that shows the danger of technology is the space odyssey, where the ship’s computer system named HAL starts to gradually show bizarre behavior leading up to a tense showdown between man and machine that results in a mind-bending journey through space and time. However, one looks at technology, it is one of the most significant aspects that needs to keep evolving if human beings are to survive in a world that is ever-changing. Nevertheless, it is important to understand which lines should and should not be crossed in the name of the development of …show more content…
The development of technology has seen that architecture is viewed as a luxury in the boom of times which in turn reflects on the social and personal values of individuals and the society. Good architecture within cities makes is easy to access different areas. To have an understanding of architecture, one has to analyze the sustainability ideologies and disciplines behind it, whether the function is appropriate for that period and place, and whether it attempts to make an advancement of some sort in the discipline. There are several models used in the past that can be replicated to ensure the adaption and sustainability of urban cities in the future is warranted. However, the sole reliance on technology to achieve this can prove to be disastrous to some