Professor Gallagher
30 October 2014
Composition I
Dangers from Texting
Nowadays, messaging on a cell phone while driving is an everyday occurrence. Drivers all over engage in these activities without fully understanding the consequences that certainly can follow. Texting and driving, even for a second, can take your eyes off the road long enough to be distracting and hazardous to you. Notably, researchers have come to the conclusion that texting and driving accidents are prone from the advance usage of increased technology. Today texting and driving is compared to driving under the influence. Texting is a great way of communication but it’s dangerous to drive distracted at the wheel. Society is going through a dangerous phase, …show more content…
This is not a time to say rules were made to be broken. Rules and laws although can seem extreme they are trying to help you in any way possible to keep young adults safe and out of harm’s way. Citations should be given to drivers who text while driving because in order to view or reply to any text message, their eyes have to be completely off of the road for a given time period. There is absolutely no such thing as the perfect driver, let alone somebody being able drive perfectly while text messaging no matter how advanced the technology may be because it will still be a constant distraction taking your attention away from the road. Today the statistics of automobile accidents involving cell phones are dramatically increasing, especially with teenagers and young adults. It is made known that as Americans you are a free, you can do what you want but within reason or pay consequences. Consiquensces can be fairly small to a catastofy to someones life. When you hear that any human passes away due to texting and driving you fill up with emotions. Im guilty of texting and driving. I put myself and everyone around me at risk whenever I would pick up my phone to answer some worthless text. I always would hear the words “no text is worth it” by my high school program. I would always push it away and act like I was invincible. “Oh it won’t happen to me” is how my thought process went. …show more content…
Law enforcement agencies strive to ensure that drivers adhere to the regulations. Many accidents are caused every day by people trying to drive while either texting or using their cell phones. Alterman first drove legally drunk and his stopping distance from 70 mph increased by 4 feet. In contrast, simply reading an e-mail added another 36 feet, while sending a text added 70 feet. Everybody has an individual role to play in order to promote the widespread of information; not only do drivers need to be aware that texting and driving is lethal, but teen drivers must understand the consequences that can come from texting and driving. Parents should set a good example by refraining from making calls or texting while driving. Not only to protect themselves but to start there young children out understanding how dangerous life can be. People are often advised to pull off the road park and respond to the text. Teenagers tend to be rebellious in all aspects. I will admit I was one of them. But now I realize that I could of very easily been the one getting in the wreck hurting myself. In connection with that, parents can confiscate or lock up cellular devices of their teen children who take the driver’s seat. However, the most effective means of minimizing accidents occurring from texting is avoiding the temptation to text while