In the film, The Dark Knight directed by Christopher Nolan, The Joker, one of Batman's most dangerous enemies whose aim is too push Batman to his ultimate limits, to break his personal rules and strict moral code. This, being the Jokers only reason to live, he has no fear of death and pain. The Joker is characterised as a calculating and logical criminal, a rebel with minimal empathy or moral and a nemesis who commits purposeless crime. Together these characteristics are developed through specific and appropriate use of technical aspects, such as, camera movement, camera angles, props and dialogue. Together these techniques create a character who is an extraordinary to watch, as he causes chaos in Gotham City, all to get inside Batman's mind and to toy with his emotions.
The Joker is portrayed as a very fearless and calculating character. A criminal with logic, but no justification for his actions. This is important to the rest of the film as this is what clashes with Batman. “How do you fight somebody who is bent on destruction, even if it means self-destruction”, Christian Bale states, Batman's character. An example of the Jokers fearless nature in the film, is the “charity event” scene at Bruce Wayne's apartment. The Joker intrudes, making a prominent and spectacular entrance, he walks in when is assistants pull the trigger on a gun. This contrasts with Batman's superiority as Bruce Wayne also makes a memorable entrance, in a Helicopter. Everything is impeccable with the Joker, his timing, his actions, everything is always perfect. He appears confident and is supported by the technique of dialogue. Anyone who shows fear, or confides to his proposition or plans, he plays on and threatens them. “You remind me of my father... I never liked my father”, The Joker states when a man, who is eligible to be his father stands up to and attempts to threaten him. The Joker always gets personal and compares his victims to someone who “used” to be close to