Evil, how did it happen and why is it still here on this earth? There is this belief that the Christian God is good and all-powerful. He has the power to create worlds and beings, yet there is still evil in the world. Both Pierre Bayle and Voltaire address these questions in their works “Paulicians” and Candide (respectively). They both believe the Manichean philosophy as a more rational thought process than the contemporaneous Christian view. This belief is that there is not one, but two gods in the world; a god of good and a god of evil. I myself believe in a world of balance and like the two authors listed above, accept this as more rational thought than a single omnipotent god. My reasoning is that without evil, there is no concept of good,…
Goodness is self-righteous: evil is purposeful. Seems rather counterintuitive doesn’t it? But what truly is good and what truly is evil, or are the two even separate entities to begin with? After all, good and evil is all hinged upon perspective, viewpoint is the key. Can something so obscured by opinions really be quantified? So where do monsters fall then? Who are the monsters? Why is our society obsessed with such monsters both in reality and fiction tales? The answer is rather simple: since we cannot define what good and evil is and we presume monsters fall into the spectrum of evil, we write about them, mold them into what we believe they should be to fulfill our desire for a definitive ideal of good and…
Good is perceived as manifestations of love, purity, salvation and goodness in the lives of people. Lesser good is judged to be evil. Frequently, the perception of good and evil is based on our own frame of acceptance. When we judge other people, we create a separation between good and evil. Such people believe their actions are based on clear reasons and understanding.…
Summary: James Rachels addresses the conflicts of evil in his book “Problems from Philosophy” by providing various forms of logical problems. The author points out the different possible explanations to why evil would exist. The first major idea Rachels makes is that perhaps pain is essential to caution people of danger. He goes on to suggest that this would not account for why some people are born with deadly diseases. Another idea he makes is that evil helps people appreciate the good in life. One would not be able to distinguish the good in life if evil did not exist. However, this does not explain why the world needs so much evil to exist, instead of letting a few bad things happen occasionally. The third idea the author makes questions why bad things happen to good people. Rachels suggests maybe those bad things that occur in life are…
Augustine called evil the privation of good and not a substance. It comes from the sins that Adam and Eve had done in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3 Adam and Eve were enticed to take the fruit off the tree of knowledge because Satan said so, even though God said not to go anywhere near it, it was up to them to make their free decision. Therefore Augustine believed God saw humanities misuse of free will and therefore planned that the people who abuse the use of free will can go to hell however those who use free will wisely will be saved and go to heaven. However Augustine’s idea of privation does not apply when you lac something you should have. For example if you can’t walk you lack the health you should have.…
Suffering serves a different purpose for a saved person from an unsaved person. For an unsaved person, it is meant to seize their attention at a heart level. It shows the reality of sin and its consequences and creates in their heart a longing for deliverance from suffering which prepares them for a Deliverer. For saved people, suffering has two main categories; deserved suffering and undeserved suffering. Deserved suffering is a result of personal sin and is intended to prepare and train the believer’s heart to value the blessings of righteousness and holiness, and repent for the sin which brought the consequence of suffering. Undeserved suffering also has two categories. First, there is suffering for the Lord and the Gospel which comes when we represent the truth. One way this happens is missionaries being beaten for their belief in Christ. Suffering is an unavoidable and honorable suffering for which the Lord urges present endurance and promises the future reward. Second, there is suffering which is not…
This week, the topic of discussion was on William Rowe’s argument on if evil exists or not. I believe that evil does exist. It is not a religious thing, I guess for me, it’s a morals thing. If there was no evil, how would we know what good is and vice versa? Who is to say what is good and what is bad?…
Religious folk claim that God is all-benevolent. If this is the case, then why is evil permitted to exist? When faced with this question, believers state that evil exists to promote “the greater good”. The greater good is the idea that some pain and suffering must exist in the world for us as humans to access our second and third level “good” platforms. These levels consist of human qualities such as courageousness, charity and sacrifice. Believers claim that life would not be as good, or as whole, without knowing these feelings, however, I argue that if we never knew any of the “higher level” qualities, then we wouldn’t miss them. If, from the beginning, we only knew the first level good, and knew no pain and suffering, then we wouldn’t know any different. Could it not be a better life, a better world, with absolutely no pain, suffering or evil? So, the question remains, if God is wholly good then how does evil exist? It is possible that God is not completely good, it may be that He permits some evil to exist so we can reach our “greater goods.” On the opposing side of that theory, is it actually that there may not be a God and that evil is a product of our human nature, as well as the good in the world.…
Darkness is the absence of light and did not need to be created. If I blow out a candle, I have not created darkness, but rather, I have destroyed the light. The same holds true for good and evil. As Rambam states: “…it cannot be said of God that He directly creates evil, or He has the direct intention to produce evil; that is impossible. His works are all perfectly good. He only produces existence, and all existence is good; whilst evils are of a negative character, and cannot be acted upon. Evil can only be attributed to Him in the way we have…
Good and evil are polar opposites, yet one cannot exist without the other. To understand this intricate relationship, one must have a clear understanding on what exactly good and evil are. These two are not always so black and white, but good can be defined as acting agreeably with societical and personal values. Evil can be defined as going against those values. However, as societies and humans differ, so do their moral codes. What is seen as good in one society or time may be seen as evil in another. Two more factors to consider are intentions and actions. They are two separate entities. Actions are seen, and judged, by everyone else, but intentions are known only by the doer. This is why there is no clear-cut line between good and evil.…
In a world of chaos, he who lives, lives by his own laws and values. Who is to say that the death of millions is any worse or better, for that matter, than injuring a cockroach. And in the case of an existing power in the form of God, who is presumed to be all which is good, presiding and ruling an organized universe, why then does evil exist? The prosaic response of "without evil, there is no good" no longer holds any validity in this argument as the admitted goal of good is to reach an existence without evil. So even if a God does exist, I think it is fair, at this point, to say that he is the embodiment of both good and evil. And if humoring those who would answer the previous question with the response that there can be no good without evil, then can we assume that evil is simply a subsection of a defined good? Or perhaps even a good thing? If it is essential, those who chose the side of evil are simply abiding by good values. In the case of a world ruled by Chaos, evil is a non-existent word or value, rather. The system upon which a person's actions are judged also disappears leaving nothing but an instinct for natural survival as basic and primary as the life within the forests which we tear down to build our houses.…
To present the topic of “the problem with evil,” without acknowledging there is a God can be confusing. I think one of the best questions that you could ask is, why does God allow evil being a perfect and loving God (Elwell, pg 413…
What is the Problem of Evil? Is it reasonable to believe a Perfectly Good God, or even a Good God exists if there is suffering in the world?…
It only exists in the minds of humanity. Are hot and cold separates? No, they are differences in temperature; it is not possible to know hot unless we have cold to compare it with. The only difference is that they are at different ends of the scale. Even then, hot and cold vary on perception, what a child may find hot, could be warm or cold to an adult. In general, most people believe that helping others is good, whilst harming others is evil. However, everyone has a different definition of what is harmful and helpful. While some things are considered evil by nearly everyone, such as dishonesty, lying, murder, etc., there are a lot of actions that can be considered good by some and evil by others. In previous societies, where people mostly agreed on what was good and what was evil, the concept of evil served the function of letting people know what was socially acceptable and what was…
The topic of suffering probably is the hardest for me to bear as a Christian, because it is the result of evil in the world, and since God’s allowance of evil is hard to explain, it is an atheist’ best argument against Christian faith. My views on why God allows suffering are based on C.S. Lewis’ book “The Problem of Pain”. Lewis’ thoughts basically show that there is sufficient evidence that God is real and that pain exists because the all-powerful God created creatures that aren’t happy. Since the fall of man, we are never content with what we have and are always in on the pursuit of happiness that even our forefathers recognized. This explains evil in the world; that we feel like we deserve more than we have been given, so we fight for and take what we can get, often wickedly. Our general discontent leads to evil, which leads to…