The early establishment of bureaucratic administration were seen and put in to practice in the system of the hierarchy structure, ruling by the king down to each step of his sub ordinate. The civilian had no practice to say or voting right to the country policy and its development. In that time it was very much a class divided matters, the ruling class for example king politicians and royal bloods were among the people that practice and execute all the policies. Civilians at that time live under the control of the law which were controlled by the upper ruling class. It has been gathered that the corruption level was high; the practice ruling class used benefits and powers to serve their own demands.
The next point that we going to look at; are the reform in the nineteenth century. At this time the last module of the bureaucratic system has been attacked that it is technically inefficient, it is solitary to remember that it was it self an improvement compare to early reform. It is recommended to: abolition of patronage and the substitutions of recruitment by open competitive examination under the supervision of a central examining board; reorganization of official staffs of central department in broad classes to deal with intellectual and mechanical work respectively; and filling higher post by promotion from inside based on merit.( Hughes, Owen) In this period of time the public administration organization recruitment policy has developed, the understanding of bringing in high skill workers reflected the development of the world education standard. It is obvious that in