Roosevelt believed that trees were the answer to the dust storms. He says, “trees / will end the drought, / the animals can take shelter there, / children can take shelter” and that “trees have roots” which means they “hold on to the land” (Hesse 75). Roosevelt wanted to create a new support system that would help rebuild the economy. The trees have a strong foothold in the earth that helps them stand strong even during the toughest storms. Roosevelt believed that if society stands tall like the trees then maybe they could make it past the struggles of the
Roosevelt believed that trees were the answer to the dust storms. He says, “trees / will end the drought, / the animals can take shelter there, / children can take shelter” and that “trees have roots” which means they “hold on to the land” (Hesse 75). Roosevelt wanted to create a new support system that would help rebuild the economy. The trees have a strong foothold in the earth that helps them stand strong even during the toughest storms. Roosevelt believed that if society stands tall like the trees then maybe they could make it past the struggles of the