It was one good night until… The Crusher had an evil plan to take over the world. Crusher didn't know that he would have to go through Speedy. Speedy was the hero of the town. Speedy always helped out the town. It was 10:30 at night and it was the night for crusher to take over the world. Speedy had a feeling in his stomach that something bad was gonna happen. His feeling was just right. About 30 mins later crusher was getting ready for his great takeover. “Robin here for a second we need to have a serious talk.Speedy says. “What do we need to talk about?” Asked robin. “Keep an eye out for crusher I have a feeling that he is gonna do something really bad.” It was 11s:00 and speedy heard a really loud BOOM!! He
ran outside and saw crusher throwing BOMB!! Speedy knew it would be a miracle if he had beat crusher and saved the world. Everyone who had tried to defeat crusher has lost and got seriously injured. So speedy got robin his sidekick and they both went out to save the world. But the Crusher saw speedy and robin and he threw a bomb at them. It was about 4 in away from them. But before it hit the ground they both flew up in the air.They both pulled out their laser guns and tasers and started shooting crusher.But the first shot he missed .The second shot he hit crusher right in the eye.Soon after crusher got up and struck a ball of fire at speedy but he missed.
Robin jumped on crusher and started choking him.Speedy then started tasing and shooting lasers at crusher.Crusher fell to the ground. Speedy and robin went up to crusher and found out…...THEY FINALLY DEFEATED CRUSHER.
It was the next morning and speedy and robin were watching the news and the defeat of crusher was all over the news.Speedy and robin were so happy to make the world a better place.Now that crushers go ne we don't have to worry about or tow being in danger Robin said in excitement The ddeaft of crusher has finally happen. I hope you all enjoyed this story of eafeting crusher.