The first text “The demise of Guys” by Phillip Zimbardo and Nikita Duncan claims that young men in our society are falling behind. Academically, creatively, socially, and romantically. They have a lack of motivation, according to society, which cause girls to overtake their place. Zimbardo and Duncan say that society lacks in giving the right support, means, and places to these young men to get them to want to stand up for themselves. And later in life take care for others, e.g. a wife or children. The authors believe that the uprising technological world is taken over their need to be in real life. “The dramatic rise of gals”(l.101) can be traced to the demise …show more content…
She writes that the gender gap has decreased within educational achievement, though in the field of employment, men are still supreme. They are often being irresponsible, so it is their own fault when they don’t get taken serious. She makes assumptions about men being the richer sex at the moment, because she says that the descent of men has been exaggerated and the decline is a myth.
She wants both genders to get a new beginning. Men should just dare to be more feminine and women should ascend.
Jennifer Fink writes in text 3 “Why schools are failing our boys” that boys are lagging behind girls in the educational area as well as the other two texts implify.
In contrast to the other texts, she takes a starting point in a specific example: her own son who has been failed by the school system. She says that there are too many restrictions and rules in the society that are restraining young boys from developing and growing. She thinks that society has changed in the last 150 years, but that boys fundamentally haven’t. They still need real world experience and work with their hands and not just sitting behind a desk every day for 18 …show more content…
We want them to go to school for 8 hours everyday for 18 years, and if then to pass this they wish to go outside in winter, maybe we should let them.
Some people probably wish for more physical optional subjects to choose between in school, which would vary from the all academic, e.g. carpentry, football, or something where boys can get a break from sitting down and being quiet. This could help them getting through a day full of mathematics, English, and history.
However, there is still a certain amount of teaching the boys have to obtain from school, so we can't just give them shorter lessons or shorter days, or fill up their schedule with indifferent classes. That leads to the other point of view: boys need to change their way of being. They should learn to be still, steady, and neat. If they have many chores at home, they will at a young age get more structured and civilized. The boys could join a sports club, so they after school had a place to burn of their restless energy. If we change the school system, then it will hit the children who fit perfectly into the present