The play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare revolves around how power manifests in different characters. The most obvious being Caesar, whose power inevitably led to his downfall. Through his development of the characters Cassius, Brutus, Anthony, Shakespeare reveals that the nature of power compels people to act more toward their own gain.…
In both Animal Farm by George Orwell and The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, having an ambitious leader leads to many consequences. The word ambition means to have or show a strong desire and determination to succeed. Leaders such as Julius Caesar, Marc Antony, and Napoleon have ambition that makes them seem prepared for anything. This makes the people and animals follow them blindly believing they are helping the cause but in reality, they’re only helping their leader. Being ambitious can be both helpful and harmful but the consequences can be fatal.…
Power is a theme that has dominated mankind since history was recorded. The assassination of Julius Caesar, ruler of the greatest empire the world has ever known, was a result of such a struggle for power. The foundations of Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar' are power relationships which dominate the liaisons between characters of opposing sex, classes, and ambitions. Even in the historical context, Rome in 44 BC, the height of the Roman Republic, predisposes the play to a complex tangle of power conflicts. As the power of prominent characters builds tension, ambitions develops, and thus manipulation arises. Struggles of authority and dominance are evident between the characters in 'Julius Caesar', through Shakespeare's…
Brutus believes he must kill Caesar to avoid a one- man rule and for the good of the country. His tragic flaw allows him to be fooled into this by the other conspirators. Brutus believes his motives are honorable. If Caesar was really being killed for the good of Rome and not because the other conspirators were jealous of his power, Brutus motives would be…
I agree that Julius Caesar is more concerned with ambition then honour but only to a small extent. Even though Julius Caesar was an ambitious man, he was also honourable as he was a man who stuck to his words and loved the Roman populace.…
Brutus fears that Caesar’s power and ambition will grow far too great for Rome to handle; with the crowning of Caesar as emperor, the nation and its people will suffer under his hands. On the contrary, Brutus is also conflicted, telling Cassius, “I would not, Cassius, yet I love him well… If it aught be toward the…
However, Brutus remains noble and refuses to take more lives than necessary, stating, “Let’s be sacrificers, not butchers, Caius… we shall be called purgers, and not murderers” (page 51). While others join the conspiracy for their own personal ambitions, much like how Cassius has monetary gains at the sole forefront of his mind when he commits the murder, Brutus is concerned only for his country and kills Caesar for that reason: so that the republic will last longer without a dictatorial threat looming in the distance. When Brutus commits suicide, his final words are: “Caesar, now be still, I killed not thee with half so good a will,” meaning that the would-be dictator’s death is nobler than his and that Caesar’s death is now avenged. At the end of the play, Antony praises Brutus and calls him “the noblest Roman of them all” (page 163); when one is praised by their enemy, it shows that they are well-respected, even by their foes.…
Another man who strived to have utter power in the story is Cassius. Cassius was a demented man who took power from other people for his own personal use. He plotted conspiracies about people because of his own jealousy towards people. Cassius also was a very tricky man who planned to convince Brutus to join his team in the fight to kill Julius Caesar. He wanted to take power from Julius know mater what the consequences would be.…
Comparing Henry David Thoreau and Herman Melville's Writings Henry David Thoreau and Herman Melville focused their writings on how man was affected by nature. They translated their philosophies though both the portrayal of their protagonist and their own self exploration. In Moby Dick, Melville writes about Ahab's physical and metaphysical struggle over the great white whale, Moby Dick, symbolic of man's struggle against the overwhelming forces of nature. Ahab's quest is reported and experienced through the eyes of Ishmael.…
Brutus’s genuine heart causes him to make the decisions he does throughout the play. Brutus was not originally for killing Caesar, as Caesar was a dear friend and close ally to him. After some distressed letters from the “people of Rome” arrive at Brutus’ study, he decides that he has “no personal cause to spurn at him, but for the general.” (II.i.11-12) He decides that because the people of Rome feared Caesar’s rise to power, he must do something to stop it from occurring. His distinction and genuine intentions cause him to look out for the people's’ best interest. Later on, when Brutus is conversing with the fellow conspirators, Cassius suggests the murder of Mark Antony as well. Brutus rejects this idea, saying “Antony is but a limb of Caesar” and “Let’s be sacrificers, but not butchers, Caius.”(II.i.178-179) Brutus explains that Antony will be nothing without Caesar to ease Cassius’s perspective, but also killing Antony will turn their noble cause into a murder spree. Brutus, unlike Cassius and the others, sincerely believes that he is helping with Caesar’s murder for the people’s good. Therefore, Brutus was a true and honorable roman up until his death, as Antony states in his…
He puts Rome before anyone, even his most admired friend; therefore he assassinates Caesar for the sake of Rome. He decides that his country outweighs anyone, even himself when he states, “For let the gods so speed me as I love/ The name of honor more than I fear death” (1.2.95-96). This shows how Brutus is honourable to Rome and wants it to be a marvelous place to live and does not want it to be regulated by dictatorship. It proves that if Rome would be better if Brutus is dead, than Brutus would heroically kill himself for the honour of Rome. By being loyal to Rome, Brutus believer Caesar’s ambition and growing power is turning him into a tyrant and is a serious threat to Rome. Furthermore, what Brutus is doing is honourable and wants Rome to know what he did to Caesar was for them. In act 3 scene 2, when Brutus speaks out to the citizens of Rome in the Capital, in front of the angry people of Rome and justified his action he shows how truly honourable he is in the quote, “Not that I…
Brutus’ one quest is to save Rome from Caesar and his ambition. Brutus thinks Caesar is going to have too much power in Rome. Along with some of the other conspirators, he thinks Caesar will become a ruthless leader and end the republic of Rome. Right after he stabs Caesar, he is quick to address the rabblement on his actions. “People, and senators, be not affrighted, / Fly not, stand still: ambitions debt is paid” (III.i.90-91). Brutus tells the people not to worry and that he did them a favor by killing Caesar and his ambition. Brutus only wants the best for his friend Caesar. Brutus has no bad intentions when he stabs Caesar. Brutus thinks human nature will take over Caesar and corrupt his mind without him knowing. “But ‘tis a common proof / That lowliness is young ambition’s ladder, / Whereto the climber-upward turns his face; / But when he once attains the utmost round, / He then unto the ladder turns his back” (II.i.21-25). Brutus compares Caesar’s rise to power to climbing a ladder. Brutus thinks once Caesar reaches the top he will forget the lower rungs which brought him there.…
Brutus is tricked into the conspiracy by Cassius. Brutus never had any true motives behind killing Caesar. He just did it for fear he "would" become ambitious. After his death Antony even states, "This was the noblest Roman of them all. All the conspirators, save only he, /Did that they did in envy of great Caesar..." (5.5.68-70). On the other hand, Brutus hid his true feelings behind a mask. In his heart, Brutus knew that everyone was not out for the same purpose as him. In reality, Brutus didn't want to hurt Caesar, but he felt it was only necessary. He even says, " Let not our looks put on our purposes, But bear it as our Roman actors do" (2.1.224-225). Even in his speech at Caesar's funeral, Brutus continued to appear as if he thought the murder was more of a sacrifice for Rome. When asked whether or not the conspiracy should take an oath of loyalty Brutus says there is no need and remarks with, " O, then by day where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough/ To mask thy monstrous visage? Seek none conspiracy;/ Hide it in smiles and affability" (2.1.79-81). He appears to everyone has confident on his decision, but in reality, he longs for a place to hide his true…
To begin with, Brutus' lust for power is one of the many ways that make him to be the tragic hero. It all started when the conspirators and himself discussed/planned the assassination of Caesar. During the agreement and arrangement of the assassination, is when Brutus gains his power and gets what he wants. He then gets more involved with the killing of Caesar, making him feel more powerful. "Ay, every man away. Brutus shall lead, and we will grace his heels with the most boldest and best hearts of Rome." (iii, I, 119-121). Although Brutus can single handily take over the conspirator group and over rule Cassius, as a tragic hero he is to begin to lose power. This takes place throughout the falling action in act4 when Antony makes the angry mob turn against him. It will eventually lead up to his untimely death/downfall.…
The suppliers of raw materials to Heineken Company are mainly farmers. Therefore, the threat for power of supplier is high. The bottle supplier for Heineken is provided by Heye Glas Nederland which is fully supplied the green bottle for the worldwide distribution of Heineken beer.…