People struggled to survive during the great depression. There was no money when the dust bowl had hit. American that were living in rural areas grabbed very little belongings and moved out. People were looking for a better life elsewhere. Children didn’t go to school but instead went to work. People started to fish hunt and start growing their own food. Men would leave their families searching for work.`women and children worked. People who lived through the depression had changed. People who lived in the depression would save everything they got even one pea. The families who were not able to afford to live in the cities were migrating to the outskirts of the city called shantytowns. Men would go to bread lines. You would rarely see woman in the bread lines because they didn’t want to be seen in one. At the time the president was Hoover. Hoover thought that people shouldn’t depend on the government.the putnam bill was brought to congress in 1932 for that they pay the would war one vets immediately instead of getting payed in 1945. 15,000 vets had gone to Washington to support the bill. The senate voted no to the
People struggled to survive during the great depression. There was no money when the dust bowl had hit. American that were living in rural areas grabbed very little belongings and moved out. People were looking for a better life elsewhere. Children didn’t go to school but instead went to work. People started to fish hunt and start growing their own food. Men would leave their families searching for work.`women and children worked. People who lived through the depression had changed. People who lived in the depression would save everything they got even one pea. The families who were not able to afford to live in the cities were migrating to the outskirts of the city called shantytowns. Men would go to bread lines. You would rarely see woman in the bread lines because they didn’t want to be seen in one. At the time the president was Hoover. Hoover thought that people shouldn’t depend on the government.the putnam bill was brought to congress in 1932 for that they pay the would war one vets immediately instead of getting payed in 1945. 15,000 vets had gone to Washington to support the bill. The senate voted no to the