World War One was a horrific loss to the German people. Not only did they lose their Kaiser and their land but also their moral and self esteem as a nation. The nation was in terrible grief, and on top of that they had to get used to the new government and its system. Not everyone agreed to these solutions. In November 1923, Hitler and the Nazis brought hope and “justice” for many German citizens. Throughout the rising of the Nazis from 1923 to 1933, a large majority of the nation still had a strong faith for the right-wingers and their policies. Hitler and the Nazis embraced the peoples needs and comforted them into believing they were going to help German regain dignity and become a great nation once again. This put Germany back onto its feet after the Great War. …show more content…
Their taxes were too high and people were depressed financially. Germany was going through its greatest economic crisis yet. But when the Nazis came into power they opened the door for millions, financially and morally. Unemployment was unheard of under Nazi rule. There were Autobahns and large industries to build. This was another giant leap to get Germany out of the dumps and industrialise the nation. One thing happened to another, once the roads and factories were built the employment opportunities opened up remarkably. All this employment meant steady incomes and industrialisation of the new