Although it is unclear the origins of Roger it can be assumed he does not have the best upbringing and experienced little to no restraint, and “research has shown that trauma during childhood can lead to aggressive or even criminal behavior...” (Beller). Even if Roger was mentally healthy he would still have a higher chance to commit crimes based on his presumably unstable backdrop, where he may have been abused or just lacked structure. And, not only does his childhood affect him, the fact he is on an island with no adults pushes him past his sanity’s breaking point. Children need guidance. Roger may have very well gone his entire life without guidance, and when he is thrown into a life or death situation he cannot fall back on his futile teachings, for his has none. Without being shown the right way to live Roger stumbles through life as he knows not right from wrong.
Roger is but a sick and misguided child who should not be punished, but rather helped. Children are blank canvases, they can either become unimpaired or immoral. Roger may have killed Piggy but a misguided child such as he does not know how to be human, and a mentally ill child cannot be judged the same way as a healthy adult. Children such as Roger need to be helped through life without the most basic set of rules or guidelines a child will become unstable. Illness is