Frances Hill. A Delusion of Satan. United States: first Da Capo Press edition, 1997; second Da Capo Press edition, 2002.…
A comparison and Contrast of “The Devil and Tom Walker” and “The Devil and Daniel Webster”…
Fredric Nietzche once said, “He who fights monsters must take care that he doesn’t become a monster in the process.” In other words, this means that someone who battles evil must make sure he doesn’t do evil himself. If he uses evil in the pursuit of justice, he is no better than the evil he is fighting. This idea is true and can be proven through character and plot from The Rag and Bone Shop by Robert Cormier and in “The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson. In novel The Rag and Bone Shop by Robert Cormier there is one specific character that fights monsters and becomes one along the way. Trent is an interrogation officer that works in Highgate, Vermont. Trent fights “monsters” such as criminals and murders and when he interrogates them he always gets a confession. Just because Trent gets a confession doesn’t always means it’s the truth. Trent pressures the people accused of abhorrent and appalling murders into saying they did a terrible crime even though it was not them. Evidence of him doing such a thing is when the police find the real murderer of a young girl in Monument, Massachusetts when Trent grasps a confession right out of an accused boy that had nothing to do with the murder. Trent was being a “monster” by accusing and pressuring a wrongly accused “monster” and getting a confession. Even though Trent is using evil to stop the bad and evil people out there in the world, Trent is no better than the people that are evil. The short story “The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson is another example of one person “fighting” monsters and becoming one in the process. In this text the main character Adela Strangeworth writes letters to people in “her” town on things they are doing wrong or things she doesn’t like. The letters are very rude, but because she thinks she is helping the “monsters” she has become a “monster” because of that. When she was going to deliver her letters one night she mistakenly dropped one and it got into the wrong hands. Because of…
In the “The Devil and Tom Walker,” Irving illustrate human corruption through the use of the woods as setting and symbolism. Tom, Tom’s wife, and the Old Scratch also shown human abilities throughout the story. Each character was different in its own way, but shared one trait to express human abilities.…
Should you expect the unexpected? A story written by Shirley Jackson “The Possibility of Evil” is an story about a respected old woman who could do no wrong in her town. Until she caught doing something; she never though she will never be caught doing. Miss Strangeworth’s character can be analyzed by considering what she does, what the narrator says about her, and how other interact with her.…
The Devil in the Shape of a Woman is a book dealing with witchcraft in Colonial New England. The author is Carol F. Karlsen, who is currently a professor in the history department at the University of Michigan specializing in American women, early American social and cultural studies; she received her Ph D. from Yale University in 1980. In this book the author explores the social construction of witchcraft in Colonial New England between the years 1620 through…
In Washington Irving’s “The Devil and Tom Walker”, the imagery creates a dark and disturbing mood which shows the theme of how greed will make some people do whatever it takes to get what they desire. The language or words used to describe things such as settings, a character, or an event can help create a mood to help describe the theme.…
In the story “The Devil and Tom Walker” good vs evil is shown in Tom Walker. Tom is a man in the 18th century who was a very bad man who sold his soul to the devil for money. “The Devil and Tom Walker” was written by Washington Irving and the character I have chosen is Tom Walker. Tom Walker is a lonely man because he is greedy, miserly, and mean.…
The idea of selling ones soul has its rewards that leads to very demanding consequences. Obtaining something of great value comes at a high cost even being left with nothing. Once your soul is lost, everything is lost. In the short story ’The devil and Tom Walker” and the movie ‘’Snow White and the Huntsman’ the devil takes hold of individuals that leads to permanent effects.…
entrances to The World’s Fair. When compared to the stockyards Chicago was famous for, the…
"The Devil and Tom Walker" written by Washington Irving is an example of romanticism in American literature. This book was written between the late 1600’s and early 1700’s. Romanticism was an artistic movement within literature in the 19th century that promoted individuality with emotion, love and nature. Romanticism within literature stretched the hearts and feelings of characters and challenged them to change their pasts. Characters, such as Tom, his wife, and even the devil, were aware of pasts that they desired to change. Nature also plays a large role in this story. The tree that holds the treasure, the sacred forest and the mysterious swamp, each feature human characteristics. Authors who write romantic stories do not always write about romantic love, but more so a state of mind.…
In your opinion, how is the spirit and personality linked? Where does the idea of a spirit fit within your own theory of personality?…
Throughout literature there is a theme that seems to be constant, the protagonist against the antagonist, good versus evil. It is a theme that reoccurs throughout time because it provides the audience with an interesting conflict and reveals more about the true nature of humans. In Flannery O’Connor’s short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” she exposes her audience to the veracity of human nature; through various rhetorical devices and the demeanor of her characters, O’Connor reveals a new perspective on good versus evil.…
Many people dream about being an American. They dream because they envision America as the land of peace and prosperity. But is it? At times it has been, and at times its not. It is hard for the United States to be correct all the time because they have been unwilling designated as the "World Police". Throughout history there have been examples politically, economically, and socially, where being an American is rewarding and times where it is embarrassing. To be an American means progress. We evolved from a world ruled by white men to a world of equal opportunity.…
Human nature is a topic that has been discussed for a long time now, so there is no exact answer to if we are good, evil or something of a completely different nature. In my opinion, I believe that we are not evil or good, but rather something that's a combination of both.…