This time period of literature began around the late 1500s. Most motion being done was the trading of culture and customs. Aside from this it was the time of the puritan influence. In which many people were secluded due to their very own beliefs. Lastly this is where a lot of myths were created, such as some urban legends. This was also a time in which things such as the revolutionary war took place. So some stories may be influenced by it
Summary of : “Common Sense”
In this passage the government and society are compared. Where society is what the people are, and where government is just a simple institution made to protect us from our vices.
Analysis of time period affect
The American Renaissance (1800-1870)
This period for a while was considered synonymous with American romanticism. It lasted from the 1830s to the end of the American civil war. Most stories during this time period were based off of romance. It was also a time for the expression of national spirit. However there were some gruesome stories being created during this period,
Summary: “The Devil and Tom Walker” …show more content…
This man was of poor and lived a poor life with very little possessions of value. He manages to hear about a certain treasure near a swamp. One day as he walks through a swamp, he encounters a dark man to whom he is able to recognize as the devil. The devil wants to make a deal with him, saying that if he will give Tom the treasure in spite of his soul. However Tom refused and offered his wife’s soul instead. The wife having heard about this she took Tom’s most valuable possessions and ent looking for the devil. The devil and her fight and the devil leaves her apron tied to a tree and her heart and liver scattered for Tom to find. Eventually towards the end Tom gives in to the devil’s deal, and he goes off living like a wealthy