The Devil Wears Prada, directed by David Frankel is a comedy/drama film which follows the central character Andrea Sachs’ personal transition, a plain and unstylish young women, to a trendy and classy fashion victim. Played by Anne Hathaway, Andrea lands a job at ‘Runway Magazine’ and assist the editor in chief, an intimidating and assertive women known as Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep. Andrea gets caught up in her working life where everything and anything she does revolves around pleasing her newest boss and keeping up with the latest trends, something which is very different to her ordinary life prior to ‘Runway’. Believing that her time at the company is crucial to her career, Andrea realizes that she needs to make a change prioritize fashion.
The Devil Wears Prada explores ideas about growth, sacrifice and change through the main character Andrea. The protagonist grows intellectually by gaining knowledge in the fashion industry, identifying what is trendy and what isn’t. This is evident as Andrea is unaware with what is considered fashionable as she is constantly in dull colours prior to getting the job at Runway. This idea of growth is compared to the experience and knowledge she gains as she begins to wear nothing but designer labels.
The idea of sacrifice is represented when Andrea’s personal life falls apart as she consistently does anything to please Miranda. Andrea is sacrificing her boyfriend, friends and family to fulfil her personal goals of becoming a journalist and transitioning into the person she wants to become.
The idea of change is conveyed as there is a drastic change between her life before and her life during working at ‘Runway’. There is a change in Andrea’s clothing, attitude and perspective. She realises that she isn’t the person she use to be and that she has undergone a change to fulfil the needs of her new boss.
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