Bacteria are single celled organisms that can rapidly multiple themselves every 10 minutes up to 10 times each bacterial cell, but they do not live or reproduce in a human cell. When threatened they will make a copy of their DNA to enable them to come back to life in the right conditions. They are able to survive in most extreme living conditions including with and without oxygen, there are various types of bacteria such as Cocci/Coccus (a round bacteria called staphylococcus aureus, found on the skin, in the nose or mouth, cannot be treated by antibiotics), bacilli/bacillus (a rod shaped bacteria called E coli usually spread by touch or badly prepared/ raw foods, can be treated with antibiotics), and (a spiral shaped called spriochaetes, treponema pallidum which causes syphilis, can be treated with antibiotics if caught early but not always effective). Bacteria need food, warmth, moisture and time. The body has its own bacteria which help build immune systems this demonstrates we need these good bacteria to live and it can be made into vaccinations which will better able the body to fight the virus off if it were to return.
Viruses are microorganisms that are non living organisms that can be found everywhere in the air and on inanimate objects, the viruses are not harmful until they gain access to a living cell, evolving them into genetic parasites they need to do this in order to live and breed.
A fungus is a living organism that lives on things such as dead skin and vegetables. Fungus can be used to make medicine like penicillin which fights bacteria. But fungi can also cause fungal infections.
Parasites are living microorganisms that live and breed in living cells tacking over excising cells and fighting good bacteria, antibiotics cannot kill the parasites (viruses) but good bacteria in the body can kill the parasite (virus) helping the body to create antibodies
Common illnesses and infections