Thesis statement :- * The differences in instructor, test and grades toward life reflect the differences between high school and college.
Instructor : who gives the information to the others * High School :- * Teacher check your completed homework * Teacher always remind us to study * Teacher always gives exercise to improve our skills * College :- * Lecturer didn’t care if you don’t go to class * Lecturer gives mark for our assignment * Lecturer just give the outline only and the rest by our own effort
Test : Examination to show the understanding about subject * High School :- * The test is too easy * The test more based on the textbook * The test more on the exercise that had been given * College :- * The test marks are carry in CGPA per semester * The test mark become more important to proceed the next semester * The test more difficult and it is harder than the exercise that had been done
Grade :- The marks to show the understanding about subject * High School:- * Grades are given for most assignment work * Consistently good homework grades may risk you overall grade when test grade are low * Extra credit are given for good project * College :- * Grades may not be provided for all assignment work * Grades on test major papers * Extra credit project cannot, generally speaks, be used to raise a grade in college course
Education becomes more important nowadays which the aims and habits of a group of people sustain from one generation to the next in order to mould a better future leader in the future. There were many stages of education, which are starts from preschool, primary school, high school and lastly university. At the stage of college is totally different from the high school. The differences in instructor, test and grades toward life reflect the differences between high school and college.
Firstly, there must have their own lecturer and instructor who give information to others in a institute or schools. Then, there’s a lot of differences in instructor between college and high school such as lecturer didn’t care if you don’t go to the class as in high school you must go to the class that has been scheduled and obey them. Next, lecturer in college just gives the outline only and the rest by our own effort and it is unlikely as in high school because teachers always give knowledge to their students as “spoon feeding”. Moreover, in high school teachers always remind us to study for our own sake in the future while in college we have to be self-motivated person because there’s no one to remind us to study.
Then, in every semester there’s will be held a test which is an examination to show the understanding of students about the subject. Furthermore, test in high school is likely to easy and more based on syllabus in textbooks and it is different test in college, which is more difficult, and it is harder than the exercise that had been done. Besides, in college the test mark become more important to proceed the next semester whether you have to proceed or repeat the whole course and the test marks are carry in total marks per semester while in high school just focus on the national examination that usually will be held at the end of the year.
Apart from that, the grades in high school are totally different because in college the passing mark is about 65 percent while the high school just about 40 percent. Next, in college grades may not be provided for all assignment work while in high school grades are given for most assignment work and it is easy to get distinction. Then, in college extra credit project cannot, generally speaks, be used to raise a grade in college course while in high school extra credit are given for good project.
As a conclusion, both life high school and college are great experiences and college more difficult because we’re in high levels in education. The most important thing you must survive for you success and never give up whatever obstacles that we go through in the future. Success is a lousy teacher, it seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose .
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