Digestion is the mechanical and chemical breaking down of food into smaller components, to a form that can be absorbed, for instance, into a blood stream. Digestion is a form of catabolism; a break down of macro food molecules to smaller ones. The digestive process also involves creating waste to be eliminated. The digestive track (gut) is a long twisting tube that starts in the mouth and ends at anus. It’s made up of a series of muscles that coordinate the movement of food and other cells that produce enzymes and hormones, to aid in the breakdown of food so then it can be absorbed to bloodstream. Along the way are three other organs that are needed for digestion: liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Mechanical digestion it is chewing (mastication) of food to break it up into smaller pieces and turning food within stomach, so then futher chemical digestion can take place. Chemical digestion occurs when food particles enter the mouth, stomach or small intestine where they come into contact with digestive enzymes, acid, fluids, allcaine fluids ect., which digest the food particles to the end stage of digestion.
Pharynx/oral cavity/tongue/stomach/pancreas/pancreatic duct/common bile duct/small intestine/descending colon/rectrum/anal canal/anus/appendix/cecum/ascending colon/transerve colon/duodenum/gallbladder/liver/diaphragm/esophagus/submandibular/sublingual/parotid/-salivary glans
The mouth (teeth, tongue, hard palate, soft palate, tonsils) which is called oral cavity, is the first part of digestive system. The tongue, teeth, hard palate and soft palate helps to mix and to reduce size of food put into the mouth. The parotid glands, the sublingual and the submaxillary grans secret saliva to help the process of chewing food. Saliva contain salivary amylase enzyme responsible for breaking down sugars and starches. The epiglottis prevents food from entering the larynx-at the upper-part of the respiratory system. The tongue helps also to swallow the food.