Social definition
A person is disabled when some part of the mind or body does not work in traditional ways. They only become handicapped when they confront overwhelming barriers that are by architectural design or prejudicial attitudes.
When most people think of the word "disability" they instantly picture someone in a wheelchair. But there are many different types of disability. They include: * people who are blind or partially sighted * people with learning or intellectual disabilities * people who are deaf or hearing impaired * people with a physical disability * people with long term illnesses * people with mental health or psychological difficulties * people with an acquired brain injury
Legal definition
According to the World Health Organisation, a disability is…
"any restriction or lack (resulting from any impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being"
Disabled people are people who are physically and/or mentally disadvantaged from doing the things that are required of normal human behavior. They may have difficulty doing things for themselves and as a result, may require the care of other people to assist them.
Specific Needs
Access to Services
The disabled may not be able to access services due to their lack of knowledge that the service exists and possibly their mobility is limited when trying to access it. Fear of ignorance and rejection from society may be a factor that makes the disabled unwilling to access the services. Some may deny that they have a disability and therefore do not access the services available.
Services Available * Government Services * Centrelink * Career Allowance * Disability Trusts Home and Community Care
Equal opportunity is always a must. Special Education is available to those with a disability. Carers need to be aware of both the prediction