Definition of Strategic Human Resource Management.
Strategic Human Resource Management is defined by Guest(1999:9)as “a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques.”
While Cornelius (2001:17) suggests that Strategic Human Resources Management relates to:“ those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage”
Personnel management is defined as being: “a series of activities which: first enable working people and their employing organizations to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship and, secondly, ensures that the agreement is fulfilled”( Pfeffer, 1998: 21)
Introduction-Factors Influencing evolution of Strategic Human Resource Management
Human resource management has changed in name various times throughout history. The name change was mainly due to the change in social and economic activities throughout history. The concept of HRM, as a new strategic approach to the management of people, evolved in the early 1980s.According to Scullion (2001) Its evolution was influenced by a range of factors, including
Increased competitive pressures caused by deregulation
Globalization -growing economic interdependence among nations emerged, along with rapid socio-economic changes and intensifying of the competition between organizations, the management of people increasingly became a critical issue for businesses.
The restructuring of world markets, mergers, acquisitions, re-engineering,
References: Cornelius, N. (2001). Human Resource Management. Cornwall: Thomson Learning. Guest, D. (1999).Human Resource Management:The Workers ' Verdict Human Resource Management Journal, London, 1999.Vol.9, Iss. 3 Kamoche, K Legge, L. (1995) Human Resource Management: Rhetoric 's and Realities,Macmillan Business, USA. Pg 16 Mckee,K Monks, K. and McMackin, J. (2001). “ Designing and aligning an HR system” ,Human Resource Management Journal, pp.57–72 Paauwe, J & Boselie, P Pfeffer, J .(1998). The human equation building profits by putting people first, Harvard Business School Press:Boston Purcell, J Raffle, J. (2004). Advances in Developing Human Resources . Vol 6. Boston: HR Learning. Rogers, S. (2004) Power To The People Managers People Management, London: Sep 2004. Vol. 10 Scullion, H