Cited: Brockliss, Laurence, and Colin Jones. The Medical World of Early Modern France. Oxford: Clarendon, 1997. Print. Fernandez, Ramon. Molière: The Man Seen Through the Plays. Trans. Wilson Follett. New Yoek: Hill and Wand, 1958. Print. Hubert, J.D. "The Doctor 's Curse." Molière & The Comedy of Intellect. Berkeley: Univeristy of California, 1962. 255-67. Print. Jacobus, Lee A. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Drama. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin 's, 2005. Print. Knutson, Harold C. Molière: An Archetypal Approach. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1976. Print. Molière. "The Reluctant Doctor." Don Juan and Other Plays. Trans. George Graveley and Ian Maclean. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1989. 93-133. Print. Porter, Roy. Bodies Politic. Ithica: Cornell UP, 2001. Print.
Cited: Brockliss, Laurence, and Colin Jones. The Medical World of Early Modern France. Oxford: Clarendon, 1997. Print. Fernandez, Ramon. Molière: The Man Seen Through the Plays. Trans. Wilson Follett. New Yoek: Hill and Wand, 1958. Print. Hubert, J.D. "The Doctor 's Curse." Molière & The Comedy of Intellect. Berkeley: Univeristy of California, 1962. 255-67. Print. Jacobus, Lee A. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Drama. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin 's, 2005. Print. Knutson, Harold C. Molière: An Archetypal Approach. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1976. Print. Molière. "The Reluctant Doctor." Don Juan and Other Plays. Trans. George Graveley and Ian Maclean. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1989. 93-133. Print. Porter, Roy. Bodies Politic. Ithica: Cornell UP, 2001. Print.