But I have decided to give my chapters prime numbers 2,3,5,7,11,13 and so on because I like prime numbers” (Haddon 11). Additionally, Christopher establishes the originality of the book once he described the separation of the chapters. I believe Haddon incorporates Christopher’s character in the book. Since Christopher enjoys prime numbers so much, it would seem likely for Haddon to take it into account and to make the text original and creative. This would be one of the elements that made my experience reading the text and unique experience. Throughout the course of the text, Haddon utilizes visual aides spontaneously. Most authors who use visual aides in their story use them through a particular pattern ex: in “For One More Day, all of the visual aides
But I have decided to give my chapters prime numbers 2,3,5,7,11,13 and so on because I like prime numbers” (Haddon 11). Additionally, Christopher establishes the originality of the book once he described the separation of the chapters. I believe Haddon incorporates Christopher’s character in the book. Since Christopher enjoys prime numbers so much, it would seem likely for Haddon to take it into account and to make the text original and creative. This would be one of the elements that made my experience reading the text and unique experience. Throughout the course of the text, Haddon utilizes visual aides spontaneously. Most authors who use visual aides in their story use them through a particular pattern ex: in “For One More Day, all of the visual aides