Academic Year 2013/14 Autumn Semester
P14136 Introduction to research methods- Qualitative part
Dr YanXue Sun.
Anders Ortenbald
[Reconsidering Work-Life Balance Debates:
Challenging Limited Understandings of the “life”
Component in the context of Ethnic Minority Women’s
[Sharon Adwoa Anima Ofori]
Student ID: [6514408]
[Word count 3000]
Reconsidering Work-Life Balance Debates:
Challenging Limited Understandings of the “life”
Component in the context of Ethnic Minority Women’s
“Qualitative research is a form of inquiry that analyses information conveyed through language and behaviours in natural settings”.(Lincoln YS 1985) “It is used to capture expressive information which is not conveyed in quantitative data such as beliefs, values, feelings, and motivations that underlie behaviours of people” (Crabtree BF, Miller WL, 1992) Some qualitative approaches include the use of mathematical methods (such as statistics) to determine the significance of findings, while other researchers conduct structured and semi- structured interviews as well as hand out questionnaires, other researchers may also go on to rely on their own thoughtful reflection with the sole aim gathering information about a particular topic and making as much objective in-depth analysis as possible as well as conducting ethnographic studies. Qualitative research has received a lot of praise in the business world mainly because it has helped managers and owners of both large and small companies identify and understand the problems that exist within their company and even sometimes goes a step further to provide possible solutions to these problems, making these companies profitable in long-run.
The main point of reference of this paper is based on a study conducted by Nicolina Kamenou titled “ Reconsidering Work- Life Balance Debates: Challenging
Bibliography: 1. Bhavnani, R. (1994). Black Women in the Labour Market: A Research Review. London: Organisation Development Centre, City University. 2. Crabtree BF, Miller WL, editors. Doing Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, Calif: Sage Publications; 1992. eds. 3. Kamenou, N. (2002). ‘Ethnic minority women in English organisations: career experiences and opportunities’. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds. 4. Kamenou, N. (2003). ‘Critical issues in the implementation of diversity initiatives: a case study of UK organisations’ International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 3, pp. 507–520. Kamenou, N. and A. Fearfull (2006). 5. Lincoln YS, Guba EG. Naturalistic Inquiry. Beverly Hills, Calif: Sage Publications; 1985. 6. “Russell, L. 2005. It’s a question of trust: balancing the relationship between students and teachers in ethnographic fieldwork. Qualitative Research, 5(2): 181-199”.. 7. Wheeless, L. R., & Grotz, J. (1977). The measurement of trust and its relationship to self-disclosure. Human Communication, 3, 250-25 8. Qualitative research and the Academy of management journal (2004) Vol, 47, No. 4, 454-462.