Department of History
HISTORY 265 A01 Fall 2012
History of the Modern Middle East
Dr. Martin Bunton Fall 2012
Clearihue B223 COR B135
Office hours: M 230-330, or by appointment. MR 10:00-11:15 Course Outline: This course examines the major political, economic and social processes that have shaped the modern Middle East (the Arab East, plus Iran, Israel, Turkey). Major themes to be discussed include: the patterns of 19th century constitutional reforms and the legacy of Ottoman rule; the structures of European imperialism; the processes of nation-building; the struggles for political and economic independence; the continued interventions of foreign powers; the regional ramifications of the century-long Palestinian-Israeli conflict; the impact of the 1990-91 Gulf War; and the tumultuous events of last year.
We will try to follow current events and students are encouraged to bring to class stories from the media (particularly from specified websites) on subjects related to the major themes of the course.
Texts: The major sources include: William Cleveland’s A History of the Modern Middle East; Avi Shlaim’s War and Peace in the Middle East; and Nikolaos Van Dam’s The Struggle for Power in Syria.
Course Requirements: The weighting of assignments is as follows (failure to complete ALL assignments may result in an ‘N’ grade being assigned for the course): Mid-term (in class, Thursday 4th October) 35%
Final Exam (in December exam session) 50%
Participation 15%
Students are required to attend all lectures and discussion groups and to keep up with the readings. Lecture material will sometimes depart from that of your readings; both will figure on the exams.
Schedule of lecture topics: (subject to minor changes) Sept 6 Course overview
Sept 10 Reforms in the Ottoman Empire and Iran
Sept 13 Egypt under Khedival and