AY Carikas
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AY Carikas
Section B – Persuasive Prose
1. Advertisements
In this essay I will analyse the Dulcia Vitality advertisement. This analysis will be done by considering how the visual and written features of the text reinforce the meaning of the advertisement, how the advert aims to achieve its purpose, the type of target audience that the advert aims to appeal, how the role of linguistic strategies have been used, how the advert aims to position the reader, and to what aspects of human psychology does the advert appeal.
The Dulcia Vitality advertisement aims to target women in general, as the visual depicts a woman running her fingers through her long curly hair. The visual does not show the woman‟s face but is focused on the long hair. The advertisement also aims to target anyone who possibly has straight hair and would like to perm their hair, as the advert states: “Dulcia Vitality is a perm for you to enjoy,” as well as anyone who would like to have shiny hair with body and bounce, “Your hair not only has vitality… but also shines with a soft, natural silkiness that feels as good as it looks.” It is also important to note that the advert was placed in the magazine Good Housekeeping which is mainly read by women, and was published in the year 1987 when the perm was extremely popular as a fashion style.
This advertisement aims to promote the purchase of the product, „Dulcia Vitatlity‟, which is exclusively being launched by the cosmetic brand, „LOREAL‟ – “Exclusive to your LOREAL salon.” The advert utilises a range of text features to emphasise the purchasing of this product such as the bold capitalisation of „Dulcia Vitality‟, the fact that the white colour of the font contrasts the dark background of the visual, which evidently further highlights the name of the product; the subheadings: “Feel the
Bibliography: Goatly, A. 2000. Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Coursebook. USA: Routledge. Page 5 of 5