
The Ebionites Research Paper

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This heresy is the view that Jesus was in nature just a man, denying his divinity altogether. The Ebionites were an offshoot of the specifically Jewish form of Christianity, which was a potent force in the apostolic age. The rapid spread of Christianity among the Gentiles diminish its influence and the dispersal of the Christian community from Jerusalem to the Transjordan on the outbreak of the Jewish War (A.D. 66) isolated it completely. The Ebionites rejected the virgin birth, regarding Jesus as a man normally born of Joseph and Mary; they held he was the predestined Messiah, and in this capacity he would return to reign on earth. Hippolytus and Tertullian connect their name with one Ebion, presumably
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| | | similar to Sabellianism | Psilanthropism | Belief that Jesus is "merely human": either that he never became divine, or that he never existed prior to his incarnation as a man. | | Rejected by the ecumenical councils, especially in theFirst Council of Nicaea, which was convened to deal directly with the nature of Christ 's divinity. | See Adoptionism | Sabellianism | Belief that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three characterizations of one God, rather than three distinct "persons" in one God. | First formally stated by Noetus of Smyrna c.190, refined by Sabellius c.210 who applied the names merely to different roles of God in the history and economy of salvation. | Noetus was condemned by the presbyters of Smyrna. Tertullian wrote Adversus Praxeam against this tendency and Sabellius was condemned by Pope Callistus. | Alternative names:Patripassianism, Modalism,Modalistic Monarchianism …show more content…

^ Constantine-Silvanus." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Accessed 2 September 2008. 16. ^ Hippolytus Philosophumena 5, 2 17. ^ Cross, F.L.; Livingstone, E.A., eds. (1974). "Antinomianism". The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (2 ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 18. ^ "Donatism." Cross, F. L., ed. The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church. New York: Oxford University Press. 2005 19. ^ Kaufmann Kohler, "Ebionites", in: Isidore Singer & Cyrus Alder (ed.), Jewish Encyclopedia, 1901-1906. 20. ^ Francois P. Viljoen (2006). Jesus ' Teaching on the Torah in the Sermon on the Mount. Neotestamenica 40.1, pp. 135-155.Jesus ' Teaching on the Torah in the Sermon on the Mount (PDF). Archived from the original on 2007-06-16. Retrieved 2007-03-13. 21. ^ G. Uhlhorn, "Ebionites", in: A Religious Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of Biblical, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical Theology, 3rd ed. (edited by Philip Schaff), p. 684–685 (vol. 2). 22. ^ The word is still in use in that sense in contemporary Israeli Hebrew 23. ^ Henry Wace & William Piercy (1911). A Dictionary of Early Christian Biography. Retrieved

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