The general meaning of “ Migration” is relocation or a move. An economic migration is happening when a person travels a long distance and from one country into another in order to find an employment or a better living.
From the late 1950th onwards Germany had one of the world’s strongest economies. The newspapers called it an “economic miracle” when they wrote about the economic development in Germany after the World War II. Reasons for the massive economic growth were skilled labor as many people chose to emigrate from the former East German regions into West Germany. The monetary reform was another reason for the growth as well as the Korean War in 1950-53 as Germany had little production costs and was capable export war equipment to Korea which doubled the German export numbers.
In order to cover the demand of manpower Germany started to recruit workers from Mediterranean countries like Spain, Greece and Italy. Due to the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 East German people could no longer enter to West Germany. In the beginning of the 1960th Turkey experienced unemployment, therefore the Turkish government started the initiative of asking Germany to also recruit people from Turkey as guest workers. On the 30th of Oct 1961 Turkey and Germany signed a convention that Germany will hire labour from Turkey.
Advantages for the host/receiver country Disadvantages fort he host/receiver countryFactors Advantages fort he donor/losing country Disadvantages for the doner/losing country
Cultural advantages such as new foods, music and pastimes Birth rate may lower as people of childbearing age leave Social Less strain on services such as health care due to out migration of the economically active cohort. Loss of a family member (usually male). This impacts on the population structure of the country.
Germany has the need to become more international ( offer language classes, build mosk etc)
Society has to deal with enemies and