The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices
A Brown
Strayer University
The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices 2
The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices
Section 1: Introduction
The American economy is one of the strongest in the world; people from every
country comes here to live or travel on vacation with their families and take advantage of
its many economical opportunities available to its citizens. Traveling is one of Americas
Favorite pass time and a way of life for its citizen. When the quality of life is
interrupted, and people are not able do to the things that they use to do on a regular bases
the people panic and that send the nations economy in a tail spin and significantly change
the lives of, not just the citizens of this great county, but other economical markets
around us who depend on our economy success and model themselves after our way of
life. One of the economical factors that drive the American economy is its dependency
on oil and gasoline. Oil is a source of power that is control by the world developing
countries such as Saudi Arabia and other Gulf developing countries that monopolized the
markets and allowed us to depend on their sources and not look else ware for alternative
source of energy. The first energy monopolies were controlled by Pharaohs and kings,
they control who could and could not use common trees to burn as fuel to heat their
homes. The presence of timber control and dictate their way of life. Timber was the
prerequisite to power. When power is restricted or controlled it changes the way we
live our daily lives and will cause the economy to go up or go down and change the
economical out look for the future. During the 1940s the American leadership allowed
the country to be dependent on farign oil. With out the oil that Saudi Arabia and the
other Gulf producers supplied, the