* Tengku Intan Nazieha
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia out_dizworld@yahoo.com Amri Ahmad
Universiti of Management Technology, Malaysia amri_ahmad@umtech.edu.my ABSTRACT
This research paper examined the potential of small town development in generating income and economic activities which has grown rapidly day by day. The objective is to preserve and sustain the agro resources based on product manufactured. The method used was through exploratory and observation using unstructured interview checklist with the local communities. The data was collected during site visitations done over a couple of weeks in Kampung Sungai Buah. The use of logistic hub and agro farming will help develop the area even faster. The finding shows the potential of Kampung Sungai Buah becoming developed in the near future, in view of the economic activities that had currently transformed the local communities to a new height. This research focuses on how the economic activities have increased the standard of living of the residents in Kampung Sungai Buah. We had discovered how the local communities generate income to earn their living. Kampung Sungai Buah is rich with their economic development activities such as organic farm, factories and restaurant. The local communities benefited through employment and business opportunities.
KEYWORDS: Economic impact, community activities, Kampung Sungai Buah, Dengkil, Sepang.
The research involves Kampung Sungai Buah in Dengkil in the district of Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. It has a population of approximately five thousand people comprising of local Malays originated from Indonesia since 1921 and the aborigines (orang asli). Other villages under Dengkil include Kampung Dengkil, Kampung Desa Putra, Kampung Jenderam Hulu, Kampung Jenderam Hilir, Kampung Pulau Meranti, Kampung Limau Manis, Kampung Sungai Merab,Kampung Baru
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