Emanuele Graziano
Words: 7904
Table of Content
Introduction 2
1. Identifying the main Problem(s) or Question(s) 2
1.1 Summary of the Eden Project case 2
1.2 Identification of Main Issues and Problems of the Eden Project 3
1.3 Development of Strategy of the Eden Project 3
2. Gathering the Facts 5
2.1 Analysis of EP’s Strategic Capabilities 5
2.2 Analysis of EP’s Environment 8
2.3 Analysis of EP’s Strategic Purpose 13
3. Alternative Courses of Action 20
3.1 The 5 possible alternative courses of action identified 20
4.Your Decision and Reasoning 21
4.1 Top 2 Alternative courses of action 21
4.2 Comparison and contrast of the 2 courses of action 22
5. Implementation 23
5.1 Plan presented for the implementation of course of actions 23
5.2 Responsibility for carrying out the actions 23
5.3 Timetable of the implementation of actions 25
5.4 Indication of financial and human costs involved 25
6. Conclusion 26
7. Reference list 27
The subject of this case study will be the Eden Project. The report will start with a short description and the summary of the development of the Eden Project. Main problems of their strategy will be identified and analyzed with the help of different models. Furthermore the facts concerning the strategic position will be presented. After this, five alternative courses of action to improve the current situation will be shown with special focus on two of them. Finally the way to implement one of these alternative courses will be explained in consideration of time, financial issues and objectives. As a result a conclusion will be pointed out with the outcome of the investigation on the Eden Project.
1. Identifying the main Problem(s) or Question(s)
1.1 Summary of the Eden Project case
The Eden Project is located in Cornwall UK, England in a former clay pit. It is a botanical garden spread