For the Daphnia heart rate experiment, the Daphnia was subjected to different chemicals via submersion. These chemicals were used as stimuli to prompt altered cardiac activity. The altered cardiac activity, measured through heart rate, would clue to whether a chemical is having a stimulant or depressant effect, or if any effect at all. Marley et. al discusses the effects of stimulants and depressants on the CNS (central nervous system). Research by Marley suggests that depressants tend to slow down activity of the CNS, while stimulants enhance over-activity of the CNS. Past literature shows that cardiac activity is autonomous and controlled by the CNS. In the Daphnia heart rate experiment, these two principles are tested together, and used to determine if unknowns A and B are stimulant or depressant. For the Human ECG circulation experiment, two human subjects were observed under resting, mild exercise and high exercise conditions. The mild exercise condition was produced by having the subject do repetitive…
Ethanol: Ethanol slows heart rate. At the concentrations used in this experiment ethanol depresses the nervous system by acting as what is known as a nonselective neurodepressant. The amounts of ethanol necessary to achieve this effect in humans would be sufficient also to depress the respiratory centres of the brain, rather like the effect of an overdose of general anaesthetic, resulting in…
Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers; they cause dopamine levels to surge producing a pleasurable sensation. Withdrawal involves seizures, convulsions, and even death.…
Depression is caused by so many things. Anti-depressants can help, but that is not the only thing you can try. They're many other ways such as; reach out to other people, find you a good listener and sit them down and talk their head off if that is what it takes, get up and moving, if you are down and out about something, laying in bed isn't going to help solve your problems, get some exercise in and boost your diet to give you some…
Antianxiety medications are contraindicated in patients with a history of depression and/or are suicidal. It is known that CNS depressants can worsen depression symptoms by depressing the CNS even further and decreasing the amount of serotonin. BuSpar may be an option for treatment due to the belief that the desired effect takes place through interactions only with serotonin and dopamine. Buspar does not have a sedative effect that most CNS depressants do, so the patient will not exhibit withdrawal symptoms that are usually seen in the other anti-anxiety drugs.…
In low dose EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL In medium dose In high dose Relaxing effect Reduces coordination…
The newer antidepressants produce similar outcomes as found with the older antidepressants but often create fewer side-effects. In fact, depressive symptoms can be temporarily suppressed by many different medications, including barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and antipsychotic medications. The beneficial effects of antidepressant medications seem to last only as long as the patients continue to take the prescribed dose” (Overholser 2006).…
Alcohol has the ability to depress the central nervous system, it slows down the brain, and delivers a…
Interactions: Additive CNS depression with other CNS depressants, including alcohol, antidepressants, antihistamines, opioid analgesics, and sedative/hypnotics.…
Some popular Central Nervous Systems Depressants are Alcohol, Barbiturates, Opioids and Benzodiazepines. These substances can be administrated orally and intravenously. The effects of these substances can be withdrawal which can cause delirium tremors, seizures, fever and much more. The worst being possibly death. Tolerance being another effect that can cause cross-tolerance causing overdose. In long-term the chronic effects of these substances can be dangerous to every organ. There can be permanent loss of memory, cirrhosis of the liver and many more problematic bodily symptoms. In conclusion these central nervous system depressants are legally available and can also cause some of the most detrimental effects on the human body.…
This source is part of “The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Series 2” and explains the effect of using drugs on the brain. In depth, the source talks about how the brain works, and how the use of various drugs affects the brain. One section in the book is about using stimulants, specifically amphetamine and cocaine, and how it may affect the brain. It’s not just the bad affects on the brain, it also talks about some of the good affects the drugs may put upon the brain,…
Both depressant drugs have similar a effects in the body when they are taken. The first similar effect of alcohol and barbiturate can quickly move to the brain. Both drugs prevent drowsiness, euphoria, slurred speech and impaired memory in the brain. The second similar effect of both drugs could lead to death. High amount of dose can experience a mild sedation that can produce unconsciousness, coma, or death.…
This medication is used to treat problems such as anxiety and panic disorders in patients, basically to relax them. (Volkow, Nora D., M.D. "From the Director.") Many abuse the drug and take it recreationally without being prescribed. Those abusing it are often seeking its sedative side effects. Xanax is a highly addictive drug that even people prescribed can become addicted to. Abusing this drug can lead to many problems, including lack of coordination, slurred speech, confusion and disorientation. Xanax is a depressant, meaning it slows down your central nervous system. For patients who actually need this medication for serious problems, it can be a good thing. Although not good for anyone consuming the drug for fun.…
Antidepressants result in the death of over 40,000 people each year (Mercola).Due to a fundamental misunderstanding of what depression is and how it should be treated, people who do not need them are often prescribed antidepressants by doctors. The result is dire. A ban against the use of antidepressants would prevent the deaths and health problems of hundreds of thousands of people (Mercola). However, there is a minority of people with chronic depression for whom the use of antidepressants prevents an early death and allows them to better function. Therefore doctors should prescribe antidepressants sparingly and with great caution, using them as a last resort in order to prevent a death. Alternative methods must be used to treat depression,…
a. Develop an outline of the components of the human nervous system, inclusive of the CNS (central nervous system) the somatic system, and both divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Include in your outline the major distinctions among these systems.…