Overall, I attempt to remove myself from these horrific actions every way possible, all while knowing they are widespread and that the affect on the community is inevitable. The sole positive is a few courageous folks within the district who are gradually beginning to recognize the issues and form organizations vying to initiate the climb back to prosperity. It’s imperative that these actions are not futile and that this region obtains the help it desperately requires. Although the efforts are minute, I and this neighborhood are fighting to become something magnificent without letting the tribulations of the past become anchors of the
Overall, I attempt to remove myself from these horrific actions every way possible, all while knowing they are widespread and that the affect on the community is inevitable. The sole positive is a few courageous folks within the district who are gradually beginning to recognize the issues and form organizations vying to initiate the climb back to prosperity. It’s imperative that these actions are not futile and that this region obtains the help it desperately requires. Although the efforts are minute, I and this neighborhood are fighting to become something magnificent without letting the tribulations of the past become anchors of the