Another reason for Emily to commit such acts towards Homer was because of her affection for him and the way she felt when he left her.
It all began when Homer Barron came to town for construction work. During his stay in town, he meets Emily and the two starts dating. On Sunday afternoons, Emily would be seen riding with him in a yellow-wheeled buggy (19). After the paving of the sidewalks were completed, Emily knew that Homer had to leave and go back home. The lovers eventually separated after the paving was finished. Three days after his departure, Homer came back to town for Miss Emily (20-21). The day he came back was the last day anyone had ever seen of him (21). Miss Emily loved him and was afraid that he would leave her again so she bought the arsenic from the druggist to poison and kill
him. Miss Emily's anger towards Homer may have also caused her to kill him. During the time when Emily and Homer were together, there were rumors going around about Homer Barron.
"he liked men, and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks' Clubthat he was not a marrying man" (20).
When she found out the secret about Homer Barron, she was enraged with envy and jealousy. She killed him because she wanted to be with him and take him away from the young men who he liked in the Elks' Club. The development of Emily's plot to kill her lover was building up piece by piece throughout her life. Without these factors piling up, Homer's death wouldn't have even occurred. From the beginning of her life until the end of Homer's life, Miss Emily's murderous intents were cause by the occurrences, influences, and conditions which existed during the time when she was alive.