From recent studies we know that overpopulation do affects our environment.It frequently causes many types of pollution such as water pollution,air pollution,land pollution,noise pollution.In addition,overpopulation also threat to the biodiversity.To solve this problem,only a sustainable approach toward conserving what currently exists as natural resources could counteract the detrimental effects of overpopulation on the natural world.
I. Introduction
Thesis statement: human population growth affects to environment
II. Causes water pollution
III. Causes air pollution
IV. Causes land pollution
V. Cause noise pollution
VI. Loss of biodiversity
VII. Conclusion
The Effects of Overpopulation on Environment
“Talking about pollution, nobody’s holy. They who polluted, sinned against nature”(Toba Beta). The problem of pollution has become increasingly widespread and potentially more harmful. The main cause for the increase in pollution is that Earth’s pollution grow larger everyday. Human sometime do something without noticing the impact that will result. They gradually become the enemy who destroy environment. Almost all human activities impact negatively the environment in one form or another, and as human population expands, the damaging effects on the environment multiply. Here are some environmental problems that result from human population growth: water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, noise pollution and loss of biodiversity.
Overpopulation is one of the main reasons causing water pollution. Population growth usually increases demand for water in living, labouring,…In the same time, we release a large amount of rubbish into the environment especially for rivers, lakes,...”More than 95% urban sewage in developing countries is discharged untreated into the nearest water or field”. The main contributors are factories
References: Business Insider (2009). New of environment, p.5. Conserve Energy Future.// Faino.M (2013, January) Jtenvironmentalssues. U.S Environmental protection agency. M2 Presswire. (1992,May) United Nations issues wall chart on population, environment and development,p.1-39. Shafi.S(2005).Atlantic, p.260.