Chapter I
Problems and its Scope
Background of the Study
General Objectives
This study has the following objectives:
1. To know the profile of the respondents according to gender, age and time management.
2. To know what are the study habits possess by the respondents.
3. To know the effect of the study habits to the respondents if categorized according to gender, age and time management.
4. To know the influence of the study habits to the academic performance of the respondents.
5. To know the relationship of study habits of respondents and their individual academic performance.
Statement of the Problem
This study intends to find out the effects of study habits of Fourth year Education students of Philippine College of Technology. It also aims to answer the following questions:
1.) What is the profile of the respondents according to:
1.1 Gender
1.2 Age
1.3 Time Management
2.) What are the study habits of students?
3.) Is there a significant difference of the effect of study habits when respondents are categorized according to:
3.1 Gender
3.2 Age
3.3 Time Management
4.) Do study habits influence academic performance?
5.) Are study habits of students significantly related to their academic performance?
Four hypotheses were formulated based on the research questions:
Ho1: There is no significant difference between the effect of study habits and respondents when categorized according to gender, age and time management.
Ho2: There is no significant influence between study habits and academic performance of the students.
Ho3: There is no significant relationship between study habits and academic performance of students.