Rizal Edy Halim Department of Management Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia
Abstract Brand that manages to bring a meaningful impression on consumers are more likely to win a special attention. Value-added brands are also more likely to win a distinctive spot in consumers’ minds. In addition, brand could affect consumers’ brand affection and brand trust. Consumers attempt to choose the brand they want with the consideration of the value of purpose and pleasure (Batra & Athola, 1990), availability, uniqueness, quality (Sheth, 2001), etc. This research is conducted to discover the effect of the relationship of brand trust and brand affect toward brand performance mediated by purchase loyalty and attitudinal loyalty as units of consumer brand loyalty. This research uses one product category (instant coffee), consisting of four brands (Nescafe, Torabika, ABC, and Kapal Api). Keywords : Brand Affect, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty
Electronic copy of this paper is available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=925169
Introduction Brands act as a distinctive factor that distinguishes one product from the other. For example, consumers are no longer buying coffee but choosing brands in the market, i.e. Nescafe, Torabika, ABC, Kapal Api, etc. Consumer sensitivity is the sensitivity or perceptiveness of consumers towards an object (brand) that builds their pattern of behavior towards the object. Producers of the various instant coffee brands can provide a detailed explanation on the differences of the brands. Consumers see the differences in the package, logo, color, even the shape of fonts used by the brands. This is called consumer sensitivity. Therefore, it is very important for producers to manage their brand to make their products a success in the market. A highly, professionally managed
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