The Effect of Using the Mother Tongue on Learning Vocabulary in Elementary Levels Compared to Using Dictionary Examples
(A Research Proposal)
By: Reza Rouhi Rad
Supervisor: PhD Tahriri
May, 2012
An inseparable part of learning every language is vocabulary. With poor knowledge of grammar and rules of pronunciation, one can communicate, but having an insufficient knowledge of vocabulary may lead to severe problems. Vocabulary knowledge is the most important component of second language (L2) reading comprehension, even more so than background knowledge and syntax (Laufer, 1997). Because of the vast dominance of vocabulary, teaching such a skill is always viewed as a main concern of language teachers.
New words sometimes make students frustrated during their learning process. When facing novel words, some students may take refuge to dictionaries or ask for translation into their mother tongue. Of course the type of dictionary which students utilize differs in terms of their level of proficiency. It’s clear that as we consider lower levels, students tend to use more bilingual dictionaries. This can help them find the exact meaning instead of reading a long description of a certain word. It can be considered as a good way of mastering abstract conceptions like love, forget and so on. On the other hand consulting bilingual dictionaries or immediate translation by the teacher in the case of concrete words seems a bit problematic in the future. Such words can be best clarified through illustration, pantomimes, gestures etc. The present research intends to figure out whether translation or the use of dictionaries can help learners expand their knowledge of vocabulary skill.
Statement of the Problem
As a key factor over the course of language learning, vocabulary plays a vital and at the same time problematic role. In this regard, Auerbach (1993) asserted that student use of the L1 to decode and interpret L2 is an effective
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